Chapter 5: The Mob Puts Strange Things Into The Beautiful Girl's Mouth

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I decided to go home with Gindou Kohaku. It's a little nerve-wracking, but it's probably best to go home with her.


She was on her way home when I spoke to her. 

She turns back to me.

"Do you need anything?"

"No, umm, won't you go home together with me?"

This is awfully embarrassing. There was never a time I've said this kind of thing.

Or rather, something like "let's go home together?" Won't it make me look like I'm aiming for Gindou Kohaku?

".... I have something to do, so let it be for another time,"

Saying so, she goes home. I see, if she has something to do, then it can't be helped....

This won't do, huh. I know she doesn't have things like plan to do anyway, and I can't leave things alone as is either.

"Just halfway is fine please!"

I came at her a little strong, so she took a step back. She then made a slight pretense of thinking, and...

"I have to go out on plans right after I get home, so I'll be walking a lot faster, but if that's all right..."

"By all means!"

I managed to get permission to follow her and walk next to her. I must have been completely misunderstood.

If said that, "I have a thing for her." She's certainly cute and has a fine style; the best girl, but I can't get my hands on her.

Indeed, Un.

And so she walks home a little faster. I also vigilantly watch the surroundings while matching the pace. Look to the right, then look back. If my memory serves me right, we don't get tangled up here, but just in case.

"Um, Izayoi-kun"


"I thought this yesterday too, but people around are awfully looking, but aren't you embarrassed?"

"It'd be a lie if I said I wasn't embarrassed, but there are more important things right now."

"Is that so"

It's a rather bizarre behavior, and from her point of view, being together itself must have been embarrassing, but there's no choice but to have her endure this point. After that, she suddenly turns her back and continues to go home.

In the "if Story", in order not to meet with delinquents, she changes her path and suffers a terrible fate, so let's intentionally decide to go on the usual path here. 

After walking for a while, there is a fork in the road. Yesterday she went left but today she tries to go right.

"Gindou-san. Let's go home this way."

"Why is that?"

"Uhhh you see. I hear there are a lot of delinquents on this side of the street lately."

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