Chapter 59: Mother, father and fried horse mackerel

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Now, the weekend has arrived, and I'm about to meet the Gindou's parents. Feeling a bit nervous, I brought manju as a gift and head to her apartment. It's been a while since I came here.

When I arrive at her apartment, she is waiting at the entrance wearing a white dress. Her face looks pale. Is she okay?

"Good morning..."

"Are you alright?"

"Yes... my parents have already arrived... Are you sure about this?"

"It's fine. Let's go..."

"I'm sorry, it's because of me..."

"It's okay..."

We enter and take the elevator to the upper floor. By the way, her dress makes her look pure and somewhat seductive. Her neck and nape look enticing. The way she occasionally brushes her hair behind her ear is... seductive.

"Uhm, it's embarrassing if you keep looking at me like that..."

"I'm sorry."

I might have stared too much. It's not good to stare too much. She points it out, blushing and fluttering her eyes.

"But, if you really want to see... me..."

As she begins to say something, the elevator stops, and the doors open. She interrupts her words, takes a deep breath, and walks straight ahead. I follow her, and we both stop in front of her room.

"I'm really sorry."

"I've said it many times, but it's fine. I suggested this, remember?"

"Izayoi, you're truly kind. In comparison, I'm... so selfish..."

As she opens the door and enters the room, she mutters with self-disgust and quietly goes inside. In the entrance, two pairs of adult shoes are neatly lined up. They're really here.

We walked through the hallway... Ah, this is where the lucky pervert incident happened before. But I shouldn't be thinking about such things.

When I entered the living room, there were two people who deserved the name "Shiro". One is young... a woman, young enough to be called an older sister. She is Gindou Mashiro , the mother of Gindou Kohaku. The other is Gindou Byakuya, a stern looking father who keeps his arms crossed and closes her eyes. No no, the atmosphere between the two of us is amazing.

It's not that they are cold-hearted. Both of them exude a calmness that could be called the core of their being. Gindou Mashiro looks at me as if appraising, then gives a faint smile.

"M-Mother, Father, I have brought Izayoi-kun..."

"Nice to meet you, Kuroda Izayoi-san."

"N-nice to meet you. This is a small and simple gift..."

"Ara, how thoughtful. But you don't have to be so formal. Relax and make yourself at home, it's your own house. You two are a lovey-dovey couple, aren't you?"


I want to dispel the misunderstanding about being a couple as soon as possible, but the atmosphere of this couple only intensifies my fear. It's impossible to think of it as my own house. Gindou Byakuya's silent presence exerts immense pressure... and Mashiro's smile is oddly terrifying. Even Gindou Kohaku seems frozen, unsure of what to do.

But I made a promise. First, I should inform them of the truth and apologize together.

"Uhm, about that... the thing is, she told a lie, more like a joke, to show off..."

"Kohaku-san, is it true that you lied?"

"A-Ah, I-I'm terribly sorry..."

"Well, Gindou-san is concerned about having told a lie, so I apologize as well. Please don't be angry with me for showing my face."

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