Chapter 98: Yakiniku is bad civilization.

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[Karen PoV]

All-you-can-eat yakiniku. The moment you hear those words, your appetite naturally starts to grow. It's all-you-can-eat yakiniku, after all. Typically, when it comes to all-you-can-eat yakiniku, men would consume around 2,000 calories, and women about 1,800 calories, indulging in various cuts of meat like short ribs, sirloin, and skirt steak, as well as processed meats like sausages and ham.

Now, here's a simple question. What happens if you overeat? The answer is simple. You'll regret it later.


I watched as my junior, Kohaku, stepped on the bathroom scale before taking a bath, her hands on her face, trembling with fear.

"Well, if you eat that much at an all-you-can-eat yakiniku, what do you expect?"

"But, I thought I restrained myself..."

"Still, you ate more than you usually do, right?"


Today, on the invitation of Izayoi's mother, the five of us went to an all-you-can-eat yakiniku restaurant with a discount coupon. There, Kohaku had been happily devouring everything in sight. She initially started with vegetables to be mindful of her weight, but it seemed that plan had fallen apart.

"Ugh... all-you-can-eat yakiniku is a curse to mankind... It must be eradicated..."

"What are you talking about? When we were eating, you said it was the best invention ever!"

"Ugh... at that time, I was lured in, and my rationality was compromised... Truly, it's a terrible invention..."

In reality, she probably hadn't gained that much weight. She tends to be overly concerned about her appearance. I glanced slightly downward from her face. There was a, a muskmelon... Well, taking it all in, her body seemed quite voluptuous. In contrast, I'm... petite.

Why are mine so small...

"Senpai, please step on the scale too. It would give everyone peace of mind to see more people gaining weight."

"The reason is surprisingly petty. It's surprising."

I said this and stepped on the scale. Hmmm...

"Actually, I seem to have lost weight."


It seems that gaining weight, especially for herself, was quite a struggle. She placed her hands on her head, trembling with an expression of despair. And then, her bust wiggled a bit, appearing larger than before.

"Kohaku, what cup size are you now?"

"I'm a G-cup now."

I recalled she used to be an F-cup. In other words, she had grown in just a short amount of time. I had a hunch that her weight gain was the cause, but I kept that to myself, not wanting to rub it in. She fretted for a while, then resolved to increase her running sessions starting tomorrow.

Her figure was honestly already great... Just how far would she push herself? Shoulder blade workouts, hip flexibility stretches, a rather intense and peculiar dance for about half an hour every day, and she drank lots of water because it was good for her health.

She was a bundle of effort. It was clear that she had a great starting point, but she pushed herself even further. I also paid some attention to beauty and health recently, but I didn't think I was anywhere near Kohaku's level.

Haa, thinking about it too much makes me lose confidence. I better go take a bath.

"Alright then, I'll go ahead."

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