Chapter 49: Know the Tradition [1]

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[Natsuko PoV]

My name is Noguchi Natsuko . I'm an ordinary high school girl, just like any other.

"Gindou-san, it's okay if it's Kuroda-kun."

"But, he was on the news..."

"The news didn't mention Kuroda-kun specifically, and Sensei said he is absent due to a cold. So, I think it's okay. It's unlikely to be a life-threatening situation, and the reason for today's absence is a cold."

"A cold... But, but, but what if the cold worsens and something happens..."

"It'll be fine. Kuroda-kun seems healthy."

"Are you sure... I can't even call him..."

"Why don't you ask someone who knows? Maybe one of the boys might know..."

"That's true... If someone knows his contact information..."

She looked around the classroom at the boys. Does Sasamoto-kun know? But it might be awkward to ask Gindou-san... Maybe I should go.

"I'll go ask."

"Eh?! Are you sure!?"

"It's no big deal."

"Th-Thank you."

Now, I have to ask Sasamoto-kun. I stood up from my seat and headed towards Sasamoto-kun. He was reading a book.


"Hm? What's up?"

"You have Kuroda-kun's contact information, right?"

"Oh, you want to know?"

"Well, something like that."


"Thank you."

He displayed the contact information, phone number, and email address on his smartphone. I saved both of them to my phone. Mission accomplished!

"Thank you."


Phew, he's kind... I should be grateful and straightforward, but I ended up feeling complicated because the book he was reading was an erotic one. If it had been a different book, I could have expressed my gratitude more sincerely. It's a strange mix of emotions.

"Gindou-san, bring out your smartphone. I'll give you the contact information."

"Thank you."

She entered the contact information into her smartphone and immediately started typing a long message. Clack, clack, clack... Hmm, isn't it a bit too long? It's her first email, so it should be light-hearted, right?

I think something like "I'm worried, so I contacted you ♡" would suffice. But she's writing quite a lengthy message... I wonder what she's writing...

Curiosity got the better of me, so I secretly glanced at her phone from behind.

"Good morning. I apologize for the sudden message, but I wanted to contact you because I'm worried about Izayoi-kun's condition..."

Oh! The opening is perfect! It's polite and concise, but you can sense kindness and concern for the other person. Hmm, it's good! Gindou-san is doing great!

Let's see what's next...

"Was that you on the morning news, Izayoi-kun? What exactly happened? Are you okay? Or maybe I'm just overthinking? Did you really miss school because of a cold? If that's the case, should I visit you and bring some porridge? Or maybe cool your forehead? Or perhaps it's not related to either of those reasons for your absence? If that's the case, what can I do to help?..."

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