Chapter 67: Fried horse mackerel coming soon

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It is currently August 16th, early in the morning at 8 o'clock.

I was standing in front of her house in Unabara Cho Town. Today is the fateful day. The day when the demon tribe will attack... First of all, I will make a move by immediately adding Kataumi Aoi, the additional member, to the initial team.

Kataumi Aoi will transfer to our school in November. After the divorce of the Hihara family, Hihara Karen changed her name to Karen Akai. By including her in the team at this point, I can significantly strengthen their forces and develop their "bonds" and "resonance" from an early stage.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

The door of her house opened, and she came out. She was wearing a casual outfit, a hoodie. She likes comfortable clothes and doesn't really care about fashion. The same goes for Hihara Karen, but Gindou Kohaku tried to encourage them to be more fashionable, and they even went shopping together as a group of four... That was fun...

"No, I haven't been waiting at all. But I'm sorry for making you come so early in the morning."

"It's alright. I was interested in Mina No Iro too."

"It's nice to hear you say that. Shall we head there right away?"

I suggested showing her around Mina No Iro as a return for her guidance in Unabara Cho Town last time. I also mentioned introducing her to some of my friends. However, that's not the real reason. I can't let my guard down... I'm a bit nervous.

We headed to Mina no Iro together early in the morning. I cover all the expenses, like train tickets. That's just common courtesy, right? I'm a guy... Besides, I should be much older mentally than her, right?

First, we take a bus, then transfer to a shinkansen (bullet train), and finally, we use trains and buses again. While riding the bus, she takes out a cool bag.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"No, I haven't eaten yet."

"...I made onigiri. Want to have some?"

"Is that okay?"

"Sure. I made konbu (seaweed), salmon, and karaage (fried chicken) onigiri. Which one would you like?"

"Karaage, please."

"Here you go... hmm, this one."

She takes out an onigiri from the cool bag and hands it to me. Kuuu, I'm so happy to have Kataumi Aoi's onigiri... I take a bite right away. The combination of karaage and rice is excellent. If there's mayonnaise, it can't be bad.

"It's delicious! Thank you."

"Do you... like karaage?"

"Yes, it's one of my favorite foods."


She listened to my words without changing her expression. I was engrossed in eating the onigiri. I quickly finished the first one.

"...There are more, though."

"That's your breakfast, right, Senpai?"

"I like konbu, and I'm on a diet, so one is enough for me. So you can have the salmon onigiri too."

She handed me the onigiri, wrapped in a wrap. With her encouragement, I decided to accept it and eat.

"Are you really sure it's okay? You must be hungry."

"It's fine. I only need the kombu onigiri. So, here you go."

"Then, I'll gladly accept it. Thank you."

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