Chapter 101: The heroine is suddenly

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[Aoi PoV]

We started practicing for the play. At first, it seemed like we were smoothly memorizing our lines, but...

We began by speaking our lines to each other to get a feel for the scene. Since each of us has our respective roles in the class, we couldn't cover the entire play, but we worked on the parts we could. However, I noticed it was quite challenging.

Changing my facial expressions proved difficult. Honestly, I felt like I was the only one who couldn't quite fit in. I wanted to manage to smile or look grumpy, but I couldn't do it at all... So, today's practice ended in a rather awkward manner. There's still time; I shouldn't rush, but I can't be complacent either.

After everyone had gone to bed, I turned on the living room lights and read the script alone. I tried to imagine the scenes in my mind.

At midnight, Cinderella panics because her magical time is running out. She's lost one of her glass slippers at the ball, and she realizes it... That's the face I tried to make when I looked in the mirror.

I checked my current expression in the mirror. Yep, nothing. Oh well, it can't be helped. Now, let's try a smile.

For some reason, smiles are challenging. There's a common question, "What's 1 + 1?" that people ask when taking pictures. I respect those who can smile effortlessly in response. I remember once I took a class photo. Everyone had normal expressions, except for one person who wore an evil mastermind's expression.

Smiles... smiles... Did I laugh heartily during the summer festival? That time spent with him. I laughed so much it felt like I laughed ten years' worth. I should try to recall that feeling. However, as soon as I remembered, my cheeks turned red, and I couldn't muster a smile.

No, this memory is unusable. It's so embarrassing. So, I struggled to come up with a way to improve my expressions on my own. My acting skills are low. I'm far behind Karen and Moegi in that regard. I need to do something. However, this is my problem, so I shouldn't involve others.

As I contemplated doing it alone, the living room door opened, and there stood...

"Why are you trying to do this on your own?"

Karen was in her pajamas, her hair unbound as usual. Kohaku and Moegi were there too.

"Well, I didn't want to bother anyone."

"Don't worry about that. We're friends, right?"

"Yeah, senpai. I may not be capable of much, but I'll help in any way I can!"

"Thank you..."

I felt happy. Having people like this by my side is everything. Lately, I've been thinking that I'm just an immature person who can't do anything. I wanted friends but never took any action to make them. I kept running away, using excuses like being scary or lacking social skills.

Even if my eyes are frightening and I'm not great at conversation, there are people like this who are with me. I've realized that the courage to step forward was the only thing I lacked.

Everything changed when I met him. But I haven't done anything myself. I've just been happily scooping up everything like a child, and he's been entertaining me. This isn't enough.

I want to become stronger. I want to make sure this play, which involves so many people, is a success. I want to genuinely grow as a person. Let's do my best.

"Thank you, everyone."

"Well, it's the least we can do. But it might be better to tell the person secretly watching over there."

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