Chapter 100: That's fate

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The cultural festival is a rather tough event for magical girls. Before it even began, Karen's parents divorced, Moegi had unkind words thrown at her by two boys, and even after it started, Aoi experienced a failure during the cultural festival.

Regarding Karen and Moegi, their issues have already been resolved, but the problem lies with Aoi. She volunteered for the role of Cinderella herself. This desire stemmed from her wish to become Cinderella, a princess, and her desire to overcome her somewhat shy and gaze-averse nature. Her class's play would be held on the stage in the gymnasium, in front of a large audience.

The countless gazes, the number of unfamiliar eyes she had never been exposed to before, and the unique atmosphere of the venue, along with the pressure of being the lead role – all of it was overwhelming. Especially, the hundreds of eyes watching her, making her nervous... She lost her lines, and the play fell apart.

She cried inconsolably, tormented by her own inadequacy. She felt guilty towards her classmates. She had prioritized her desire to become a princess and her desire to overcome her weaknesses, and as a result, she ruined the play. Unable to stop the tears that fell one by one, Aoi's cultural festival came to a close. Afterward, she was comforted by Moegi, Karen, and Kohaku.

[I'm such an idiot... I used this play to change myself... just because I wanted to be a princess... and I ruined everything... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...]

People make mistakes. Things don't always go smoothly. The message the author wanted to convey came across strongly. Aoi's crying was filled with a sense of tragedy.

Aoi had transferred to their school some time ago, and the cultural festival had become a chance for her to make friends and become part of a group. Karen's parents divorced, Moegi was hurt, and Aoi felt powerless.

This story, of course, had its fair share of ups and downs during the cultural festival, even if not as dramatic as "if" story. Nevertheless, readers would have found hope in the determination of these girls as they stood up against adversity. I was one of those readers.

But if it was possible to change things, I thought I would want to. Just that, I thought so.


[Moegi PoV]

It was decided that we would perform the play "Cinderella" at the cultural festival, which is still some time away. Today, we decided to start practicing immediately because Aoi was so eager about it.

We all gathered on the couch to begin with memorizing the lines. Aoi will have a lot of lines as the lead role, but I think she'll be able to memorize them quickly. Her classmate Karen also has an incredible memory, so she'll probably memorize her lines in one or two minutes, maybe even seconds. While reading through the script, Karen mumbled her lines quickly, almost like reciting tongue twisters.

"Welcome home, master. You've worked hard today. We have a royal party to attend right after this, so please change quickly..."

She's so fast... She recited all the lines smoothly without stumbling even once.

Next to her, Kohaku glanced curiously at the script, stealing quick glances at it. Karen finished reading and closed the script. It seemed like she had already memorized it. Of course, I had already memorized my lines as well.

"Can I see the script?"

"Sure, here you go."

Karen handed the script to Kohaku. I always think this duo is amazing. Even during the last break...

"Ah, ahhhh! My cake is gone!"

During a certain snack time on a holiday, when Kohaku opened the fridge, she screamed. Upon hearing that, Karen, who was sitting at the dining table, hid her face behind the manga she was reading. At that time, we were also in the living room. Kohaku seemed to have been looking forward to the cake, and she was angry like a child when it was missing. Of course, it wasn't me, Aoi, or him. She knew that, and she walked straight to Karen.

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