Chapter 88: Middle School, Past Life, and Certain Things

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[Gindou PoV]

I had a day where I was pampered beyond measure. Food was brought to me without me even asking, and everything was cleaned up. It felt like I was being treated not like a villainess, but more like a princess...

Karen-senpai was even kinder than usual, and Aoi-senpai's beautiful voice, reading stories and singing lullabies, brought back my childlike innocence and led to a delightful nap. Honestly, I had already improved quite a bit from my cold, but they were still taking care of me. I feel a bit sorry, but also enjoying this somewhat extravagant feeling of being a princess...

As I ponder such thoughts, the sliding door opens once more. This time, it's Moegi-senpai.

"Hey there, how's your condition?"

"It's gotten a lot better. My fever has gone down too."

"That's good to hear. Here, some grated apple."

She sits down and scoops up some grated apple with a spoon, then brings it to my lips.

"Thank you so much for everything."

"It's nothing. Now, here you go, 'Aaahn.'"

"Ah... ahn."

"Ko-Kohaku-chan's chomping down on my grated apple... gulp..."

"What are you saying!?"

"Just a joke, just a joke. It's a Moegi joke."

"I don't get it!"

Occasionally, this person seems quite perverted. Well, I already knew that, but it's surprising how she can maintain a proper demeanor most of the time and then suddenly have such a gap in her behavior.

"There's something timeless about watching a cute kid eat with relish, isn't there?"

"I can't relate."

"Ah! You need to sweat, so why don't I be your cuddle buddy?"

"Please stop with the sudden jokes. Just give me the apple, please."

"Sure, sure. Keep on munching!"

"Please stop using that phrasing."

Well, apples are delicious. When the apples are finished, she hands me a slightly sweet-smelling homemade honey lemon juice with ginger.

"And here, have this too. It's homemade honey lemon juice with ginger."

"It's delicious. Thank you very much."

"I'm glad."

The juice warms me up from within. There's a strong air of being a good wife coming from her... Something else crosses my mind. What does she think of Izayoi-kun?

"Senpai, do you like Izayoi-kun?"

"Eeehh?! So sudden!? Something wrong!?"

What's with this flustered response...

"Just curious. So, how about it?"

"Uhm, I think it's normal... I think he's likeable, but I don't have feelings for him like Karen-chan or Kohaku-chan..."

"You're suddenly using formal language..."

"Oh, no, it's just that you said something so sudden that I messed up my speech!"

"You suddenly raised your voice..."

"...Well, anyway, I really don't think much about him in particular!"

"Now you're sounding like Karen-senpai..."

"!? ...Ahaha, well then, I'll take my leave here. Please have a good rest."

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