Chapter 37: Lightning and fried horse mackerel

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The sound of chalk scratching against the blackboard echoed in the classroom. As the tests approached, everyone’s concentration seemed to increase. While everyone was preoccupied with the upcoming exams, I focused my thoughts on what was to come.

The bad ending that would befall Kikawa Moegi would occur during the mid-term tests. The tests spanned four days, but her worst ordeal would begin on the final day. By this point, two female students had already been killed on campus, creating a tense atmosphere. The story unfolds from the moment Kikawa Moegi, who was already burdened by the death of Hihara Karen, encounters the man who dumped her and her reunion with her father, adding a touch of ironic fate to the “if” story. It’s quite a dramatic turn of events.

First, there would be a reunion with the man she had dumped in middle school. Back then, she confessed her feelings to him, only to realize that he was a complete jerk, leading to a breakup within a week. He would come back with a group of friends, not to subject her to something overly cruel, but to mock her. Rumors had spread throughout the middle school about their one-week relationship, and this would be their retaliation. It wouldn’t involve anything direct, but it would weigh heavily on her heart.

Afterward, she would have a reunion with her father.

The deepest trauma in her past was the memory of the abuse she suffered from her father. She had faced various difficulties until entering high school, but the worst of them would be connected to the bad ending.

Their reunion would be a truly coincidental encounter. The jerk who was her father had been caught by the police, but he had since been released, making the possibility of meeting again not entirely impossible. Unfortunately, luck would be against her.

The fear she felt towards her father was depicted vividly. She would repeatedly scream in her heart, terrified, knowing that her mother, who had protected her in the past, was no longer there. She lived alone now, with only photographs and an altar to her deceased mother, praying every day.

She would be subjected to whatever he wanted out of sheer terror. If it were a matter of pure strength, she could easily overpower him, but because she couldn’t fully unleash her strength, she would suffer greatly.

As soon as she meets the other *sshole, he confirms that the fear is still there and pretends to leave her for a time. She goes home, relieved that nothing is going on. Later, she is violently attacked in an abandoned place. This brings back the trauma and she becomes like a puppet at his bidding.

 She is too scared to make a calm decision, so she lets the other man into her room. She gives him money and asks her to withdraw money from her bank book as well. She resists a little, but in the end she does as she is told. The man …… is the symbol of fear. The root of her fear is the man she is …… with, in her own room, in front of her mother’s altar …….

It doesn’t matter if they are related by blood or not. Her mind is tremendously unstable. She was scared, scared to death. She ends up hanging herself in her room at midnight that day. Her mind collapsed and she lost her head when the person she was afraid of did that to her.

The shitty father also holds deep-seated grudges from the past. He used to present himself as an elite, but his downfall has turned him into a resentful mess. It’s common to encounter such despicable individuals in a bad ending. This man harbors resentment towards his ex-wife, but since she is no longer around, he seeks to take revenge on his daughter in the most brutal way. He contemplates subjecting her to horrific experiences and even entertains the idea of killing her. As a result, she ends up taking her own life, achieving his twisted objective, and then he is apprehended by the police. However, Kikawa Moegi remains unsaved.

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