Chapter 73: Fear and Lightning

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[Do you think the seven mysteries actually exist?]

[That's why you came here to check, right?]

[I don't think they're real.]

As they continued chatting, they went around the school building six times, but nothing happened, leaving them feeling disappointed.

[Yeah, nothing's happening. It's just a rumor, these seven mysteries...]

[Yeah, I guess so.]

However, their casual conversation took a sudden turn when one of the girls stopped in her tracks.

[Hey, can't you hear something?]


[From the music room...]

[...I think I can hear it too.]


The atmosphere changed drastically, becoming heavy and ominous. They could hear the sound of a piano playing from the music room.

[Isn't this creepy?]

[Let's get out of here!]


Just as they said that, the music suddenly stopped. The music room was located on the floor above where they were standing, and they heard the sound of the door opening.

The three girls started running at full speed, trying to escape from the school.

[This is bad, this is bad, this is really bad!]

[Are the seven mysteries for real!?]

[We need to get out of here fast!]

Finally, they managed to reach the exit of the school, and all three of them made it out safely, none missing.


[Moegi PoV]

"Is what I have heard."

"Is that so? It lacks credibility, though. However, we can't completely deny the possibility..."


While setting the dishes on the table, Karen-chan and Kohaku-chan were talking. The training in the training room had ended, and it was almost time for dinner. By the way, he was still practicing. Since it was still summer vacation, he was putting a lot of effort into his training.

He told me I didn't have to push myself too hard, but that's what he does. That makes the two of them, including me, want to work harder. Especially since he had recently defeated a monster twice. That didn't give us a very good impression. It is true that he was in a situation where he had to fight alone, but even so, we wanted to do our best so as not to put the burden on him alone.

He may be strong, but there's no need for him to shoulder everything alone.

When I moved into his house, we agreed to share the household chores. It seems that he can't cook, so the two of us are in charge of that.

"I've heard about the seven wonders at Mina no Iro High School before..."

"Was it posted online? Like seeing a ghost?"

"Yes, look, it's written here. It's probably about the same girl from our class."

Karen-chan showed Kohaku-chan the screen of her smartphone, but I could only glance at it and couldn't hear their conversation very well...

Today, all three of us received packages and put our belongings in the magically created rooms. However, magic is truly amazing. No, it's probably all thanks to Mel-chan...

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