Chapter 35: No folk dance for fried horse mackerel

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As the sports festival was approaching its end, I began tidying up as much as I could in the committee waiting area. The final event of the sports festival, the relay race of Class 3-C, was taking place on the school grounds.

I thought the sports festival would be quite relaxed, but my expectations were proven wrong. Things never go as planned. As I pondered over such thoughts, Hihara Karen, who had been working alongside me, was also busy with the tasks.

“Hihara-san, need any help?”

“Ah, no, I’m fine.”

Lately, I had forgotten that she wouldn’t easily become friendly unless a certain line was crossed. She had a strong side and a difficult-to-approach side due to her shyness around people. It was because of these contrasting aspects that she was popular.

She consistently ranked between second and fifth in the popularity rankings. While she couldn’t reach the top spot, it was evident that she was well-liked.

“What’s with that lukewarm gaze?”

Crap, I got lost in reminiscing about the past, and now she’s glaring at me with half-closed eyes.

“Oh, it’s nothing…”

“Your face tells me you’re lying.”

“No, really. It’s truly nothing.”

“Hmm… You were probably looking at me and thinking I’m socially awkward. Sorry for being socially awkward.”

“No, I never thought anything like that. I’m socially awkward myself, so I’m in no position to mock others.”

“I’m certain that Izayoi is not socially awkward.”

“Do you think so? I’m actually quite socially awkward…”

I get nervous when talking to people. Sometimes, I even imagine their faces as potatoes in my head. Even in my past life, I was quite socially awkward. When a girl next to me struck up a conversation, I could only manage to say, “Oh, thank you…” I struggled to communicate, especially with girls.

After being reborn, I finally managed to reach a certain level of social skills, but I still feel a sense of tension deep within me.

However, I have grown. Even when talking to a stunningly beautiful girl, I can now choose options other than “Yeah, exactly…” or “Oh, yeah, I guess.” If my conversation level was an one in my past life, now it’s at least a three. While I was lost in my own thoughts, she seemed slightly embarrassed and opened her mouth as if recalling something.

“I-It’s impressive that you can say something like that… even though you’re bold enough to take me to a deserted park and try to kiss me…”

“I-I didn’t intend to do that. It was more like a light joke…”

I want her to forget about it already. That was something I regret even thinking about now. It was so dangerous that I wouldn’t even complain if the police caught me.

“My mom and dad are also surprised! They say Izayoi is really daring!!”

“That’s why, well… Huh? Did you tell them?!”

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