Chapter 21: Mob on the phone

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After returning home, I call Hihara Karen on the phone. It should still be a time when she’s awake, so I dial her number a few times until she picks up.


“What’s up?”

She immediately asks for the reason without any particular change in her tone. How will she react if I tell her I’ll come to pick her up tomorrow morning? There’s a possibility that it might be seen as another one of my chuunibyou actions, but I try not to dwell on that.

“Tomorrow, I wanted to ask if I can come and pick you up, Senpai.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Things have been a bit dangerous lately…”

“It’s fine. I can go to school by myself.”

Well, I expected to receive this kind of response. It’s normal to think that a high school student can go to school by themselves. But I won’t back down.

“No, no, it’s dangerous.”

“No, I’m telling you it’s fine…”

“It’s dangerous.”

“It’s really okay.”

“Because you never know what might happen.”

“Fine… I don’t know what you’re thinking, but fine. Come to my house tomorrow around 7:30.”

Phew, I managed to get her to agree. Even if she didn’t, I still planned to go, but I desperately wanted to avoid that horror scenario if possible.

“Alright. Well, goodnight then.”


The call ends with a click. There’s a high chance she now thinks of me as a troublesome underclassman. Well, I did use that kind of tone.

I wonder what she’s doing right now? It’s pointless to think about it, but she’s probably having a meal with her father.

…Her mother hasn’t come home yet. Their relationship as a couple is… well…

I shouldn’t be thinking about those things. I should prepare for tomorrow and go to bed early. I’ll stop by Hihara Karen’s house, so I need to wake up earlier than usual to make it on time.


[Karen PoV]

The alarm clock blares, piercing through my ears. I groggily open my heavy eyelids and fumble around to find the button that will silence the clock. My body isn’t fully awake yet, and I feel a slight heaviness, but I force myself out of bed. I leave my room on the second floor and head downstairs.

Downstairs, my parents are already awake. Dad is preparing breakfast, and Mom has almost finished getting ready for work.

I open the door to the living room.

“Good morning, Karen.”

“Good morning.”

My parents greet me with a shy smile. They both seem cheerful, but I wonder what it was like before I entered the room…

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