Chapter 112: Soothing

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[Moegi PoV]

Sitting on the sofa with no energy left, he stared into the void, not saying anything. He appeared to be an empty shell, devoid of his usual enthusiasm and gentle demeanor.

"Hello? Izayoi-kun? It's your Kohaku~"

Kohaku-chan whispered into his ear, but he remained silent, his eyes lacking their usual highlights. Normally, he would have a grin on his face, but now he was mute. Overwhelmingly so... Oh, wait, he's still aware.


Kohaku-chan moved away from his side and approached us.

"Izayoi-kun seems to be in quite a slump."

"Kuro has yuzu pepper on his wound, so it must be bad. There's no helping it."

"Ugh, Izayoi-kun, he is always so lovey-dovey, but..."

Kohaku-chan let out a frustrated sigh. But there was no other way. He was clearly going through a tough time, so the usual methods might not help him recover.

That's why Karen-chan stepped up. She was wearing a maid outfit, her face beet red like a boiling octopus, and she moved closer to him. She had a headband and a predominantly black mini skirt.

She had worn a similar outfit during the play, but it seemed much more embarrassing this time.

"T-today only, Izayoi is my m-m-master! S-so, please, you may command anything!"

Her speech pattern! Her speech pattern was all over the place! Her eyes! Her eyes were spinning in confusion! Well, I understand that it's embarrassing...


Ah! He reacted a bit! A glimmer returned to his eyes, and there seemed to be a slight chance he would emerge from his cocoon of despair.

"But, uh, you know, such extreme things are only for special relationships... Well, but I can give you a head pillow, for example. Come on, lean your head here..."

She sat on the sofa and pointed to her lap. Her thighs looked soft and beautiful, although she appeared slender.

"Is this okay?"

"It's fine."

Even when he was told it was okay, he seemed hesitant, his head swaying. He's quite chicken-hearted in situations like this. She seemed to understand that, as she grabbed his head and gently placed it on her thigh.

"Th-This is..."

"I can even clean your ears if you want..."


"Yes, really."

"What...really? Please!"

He seemed to recover too quickly, didn't he?! The power of Karen-chan in a maid outfit is terrifying!

"How about it?"

"I'm happy!"

"Feeling better?"

"I'm feeling much better!"

"Alright... you're just impossible to deal with..."

She smiled faintly as she said that. Her expression was a bit different from usual, with a slight smile. She continued cleaning his ears with a cotton swab she must have prepared in advance.

"What a sneaky person..."

"I wish I could have done it..."

Their envious gazes were directed at them. Aoi-chan had a soft spot for him and was giving him special care, while Kohaku-chan's gaze was straightforward.

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