Chapter 61: Beautiful women start a committee

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I didn't expect Gindou Kohaku to fall asleep during class... It's rare to see that. Maybe she was tired?

I'm not sure of the reason, but girls have various things going on, I guess? Right now, during lunch break, I'm thinking about how to spend my time when Sasamoto, the guy with glasses from the front row, brings along a certain male student. This guy is...

"Hey, Izayoi."

"What's up?"

"Akito wants to talk to you."

Sarutobi Akito, also known as "Saru," is in the same class and is a character with quite a unique personality in "Masou Shoujo."

"Lord Izayoi, I humbly request your assistance,"

He has a unique way of speaking like this. Of course, I don't dislike it.

"I am working together with my online friends to create a game. We have a Gal and a horror game, and I would like you, Lord Izayoi, to play them and hear your impressions."

"Why me?"

"I thought that incorporating the opinions of a real-life harem protagonist like yourself would further enhance the quality of the game."

"It's not like I have a harem... Why a horror game?"

"Lord Izayoi mentioned being weak against scary things, so I thought your insights would be valuable."

"I see... A Gal game is fine, but... I'm not too keen on horror games. Gal game is fine, though."

"Thank you very much."

He really doesn't have to bow so deeply... As for horror games...

"For now, raise your head. I'll give it a try."

"Ooh, thank you very much. The Gal game has quite a few erotic scenes, so there's no doubt you'll be satisfied."

"Is that so?"

"But it will take some time before it's completed. I'll let you know when the time comes."


"Thank you for your kind consideration."

Akito bows deeply. He must be putting a lot of effort into it. I could sense his determination to make it better.

"Then, let's go to the cafeteria. How about you, Akito?"

"Yeah, let's do that since we're here."

"I'll join you."

"Yeah, by the way, you speak politely to girls like Kohaku-chan, but you use casual language with guys."

"Oh, yeah, I tend to get nervous when talking to girls, so I end up using polite language."

"I know how that feels."

"I understand."

We head towards the cafeteria.

I don't feel like playing a horror game alone...


[Moegi PoV]

"So, what's this about?"

"Yeah, come on, tell us already."

As Kohaku-chan, Karen-chan, and I order our food and take our seats in the cafeteria, Karen-chan, who called us here, gets to the point.

She said she wanted to talk while having a meal. She also invited Kohaku-chan. Isn't this the first time the three of us are eating together in the cafeteria?

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