Chapter 123: A future without you

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Christmas had passed, and now it was New Year's. We welcomed the new year together, and through this event, I realized that having a harem, or rather, a harem of magical girls, was truly wonderful.

Things like cake, which were already sweet, became even sweeter when they fed it to me. I was living these heartwarming days. However, there was one thing that bothered me: the theatrical version. According to the author, it seemed like they would defeat the enemy easily. If the author said it would be fine, then it should be fine, but...

As I continued to spend my days like this, one day, a massive hole opened up in the world. They had to go and fight to protect the world, and with their intermediate power-ups and deepening bonds, there were hardly any enemies they couldn't handle.

From the large hole emerged a creature unlike anything I had ever seen. Even with my knowledge, I couldn't recall seeing anything like it, and it gave off a clear sense of strength. It was a strange, panda-like creature with black and white markings. Without mercy, the girls mercilessly beat it to a pulp.

The panda emitted strange, distorted rays of light. The girls easily dodged them. Finally, with a combined magical attack, the panda was pierced through and met its end. However, in its last desperate resistance, the theatrical version of the panda unleashed a distorted surge of magic, numbering around a thousand. They managed to cut down all of it, except for one stray shot that headed towards a civilian who couldn't escape in time.

Panicking, I instinctively shielded the civilian, who was about to be hit like a child in front of an oncoming truck. The attack hit me instead.

Suddenly, everything felt like severe seasickness, and my vision distorted, causing a splitting headache. Everything started to warp, and then, my consciousness...

I faintly heard the voices of the girls...


When I came to my senses, I was lying in front of the gates of Mina no Iro High School. I guess this is it. Normally, it should have been the girls who got sent here, but it seems like I was the one sent instead. It's quite different from what I heard from the author. Originally, there was supposed to be a more balanced battle where the girls would take the brunt of the attack, and then they'd get sent to the Mirror World.

However, I believe it's because of the girls' increased strength and bonds beyond the original story that things got shifted around, and I ended up being the only one sent here. I want to return quickly, but according to what the author said, those who aren't originally from this world will naturally return due to the restorative power.

What should I do? The girls must be worried too. But I can't return immediately. As I'm lost in my thoughts, I hear a manly voice from behind.

"You... are you Izayoi?"

"And you are..."

It was Sasamoto who was behind me. He looked like a teacher, about thirty years old. The author had mentioned it. I can see what happens to various characters afterward... Oh, he became a teacher. That's surprising.

Should I run away? I wonder... While I'm thinking about it, Sasamoto looks at me with an expression of disbelief. What's with that ghostly look?

"Why... why are you here? You... you were supposed to be dead."

...What's going on?

"Eh? What's happening?"

"Hallucinations... or maybe a doppelgänger? No, no, that can't be."

It seems like he can't hear my words. I don't really understand this world yet... but I have no choice but to get information from someone other than him. I grab his shoulder, make eye contact, and speak loudly.

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