Chapter 66: Three enemies

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Advent of Magic Outfits

[Demon Side]

It was a dark space, with a never-ending ceiling and a flat ground with neither grass nor a single stone. The vastness extended as far as the eye could see.

Eerily devoid of anything, except for four stone statues.

One was a demon statue with horns, aboumit two meters tall, wearing a white robe.

Another was a large golem, measuring about 3 meters (118 inch) in length.

The third was a skeleton swordsman, about 180 centimeters (70,86 inch) tall, dressed in clothes and carrying a single sword on its back.

And then, there was an overwhelmingly monstrous presence, unlike anything the other three could compare to. It had two wings resembling those of a dragon, abnormally elongated claws, and a large horn. It measured 15 meters (590 inch) in length.

The stone statues were completely still, but cracks began to form on the three of them. Slowly, but steadily, the cracks grew larger, and the outer shell of the statues peeled away, revealing life emerging from within.

The golem, the youthful demon, and the skeleton swordsman each assessed their current condition, touching their cheeks and clenching their fists. After taking a breath, the three of them started talking.

"Finally, the seal of petrification has been broken! Geez, the star spirits are really doing it for me~"

The male demon began to speak in a female tone. He snapped his neck.

"Totally, man. I didn't think it would be this long even if I used the demon king as a shield on the spur of the moment."

A large golem whirls its shoulders around, scattering clods of earth around the area. The atmosphere is one of giggling and good-natured merriment.

"....After all this time, the seal on the Demon Lord hasn't been released..... huh"

Then, he unsheathed the sword he carried, examining it. It was a simple design longsword, with a black hilt and a gleaming pure white blade.

"More than that, the sword... it doesn't seem to have changed in particular... as expected... the magic sword Delphid..."

The skeleton swordsman seemed to be more interested in his sword than the stone statue of the Demon Lord. He had a taciturn demeanor.

"I wonder how many years have passed? The petrification state lasted quite a long time".

"Who knows? I have no idea"

"Approximately a thousand years"

"Ara, As expected of Bone Saburo. Counting the years, huh?"

"The Three Demon Musketeers, the strongest names aren't just for show. Oi!"

"......I don't need to hear that... If you have time to say those things, 'Michelle,' figure out a way to escape from here"

"Alright, alright, always so shy. But escaping... It's not as easy as you make it sound. This place is like a barrier where those celestial spirits sealed us. I don't think it's that simple to get out. A vast plain that extends endlessly except for the ground"

Michelle looked around and then focused on the ground, where her foot touched the only area with a limit. She lightly tapped the ground with the tip of her shoe.

"I wonder if breaking this would work? Could you give it a good thump?"

"Sure thing! But if the ground is too tough, hitting it with full force might hurt, so I'll go easy on it!"

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