Chapter 79: Weight is taboo for silver.

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[Author Side]

In the snowfall, a certain woman walked through the town. Couples were passing by, and somehow she felt a sense of loneliness and sighed.

As she walked, she exhaled white breath.

"I can't think of any ideas for the salvation story... Have I become dull too? Can't even come up with a happy ending..."

It seemed like she was going out to gain new inspiration. She kept walking while looking at the scenery.

The cold wind pierced through her.

"I've done something bad to the fans... Many of them supported me... For the next protagonist... I'll include more lucky pervert moments and add more service scenes. Also, when the Masou Shoujo sleep with someone, for some reason, their sleeping posture becomes awkward, leading to erotic developments."

She mumbled to herself. To an observer, she might seem like a weird person, but she didn't have the luxury to worry about that. The fans were in an uproar, and abusive comments were flying around on the internet.

However, most of the comments were filled with sadness, and she felt sorry for that.

"So far, I can only think of the protagonist's name and the assistant, the fortune teller... Gender, personality... I can't think of anything... Am I in a slump...?"

As she continued to walk, feeling like no ideas were coming to her... something unbelievable happened right in front of her.

A truck lost control and came rushing toward her. It was recklessly charging forward. She tried to avoid it at the last moment, but there was a small child in front of her. She pushed the child aside and tried to evade the truck herself, but...

There was a loud, dull sound.

" I... going to... die...?"

She could hear screams from the people around her. The child she protected seemed to be alive, at least.

It was such an abrupt and outrageous ending. Realizing her own end, a series of images flashed through her mind.

The release of the first volume of the light novel she wrote, a commemorative moment. She was at the bookstore, secretly gazing at the stack of her own books.

"Buy it. Buy it. Please buy it. That's what I wish for..."

She kept monitoring it, even if people around her were whispering or store clerks were giving her strange looks. When someone picked up her book, she flew into joy.

Afterward, she checked the feedback on the internet. Some people found it interesting, while others thought it was terrible.

When she heard that it wasn't interesting, she lost her motivation and binged on tonkotsu ramen, gaining two kilograms. Then she would lose weight again.

When she heard it was interesting, she would be happy, eat tonkotsu ramen with extra noodles and gain weight, then lose weight again. She repeated that cycle in her life.

Suddenly, it became a big hit, even got an anime adaptation, and she was delighted... but times changed...

She wrote a confusing and worst story...


"Oh... This must be punishment..."

She thought that it was her punishment for tarnishing her glory.

"I'm sorry for what I did to them... I wanted to write a story with a happy ending..."

Regret flooded her. She couldn't even write a salvation story, couldn't think of plots, or set the protagonist.

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