Chapter 102: Natural is the worst enemy.

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[Natsuko PoV]

My name is Noguchi Natsuko. I'm like an ordinary high school girl you can find anywhere. Currently, I'm using my phone during class, which might make me look like a delinquent to someone who doesn't know what's going on. However, that's not the case.

In our class, we are allowed to use our smartphones during class time for preparations related to the cultural festival. Right now, I'm researching the going rates for a maid cafe to figure out what we should do for our class. The teacher seems to have a policy of giving us complete control, and he told us to report any problems if they arise. He seems to value our initiative.

Now, when Sensei leaves, students naturally start fooling around or dawdling, and our class is no different.

"Hey, how about a match?"

"It's not the time for that right now; it's time for cultural festival preparations."

"True. Then, we'll have a match after we finish our work."

It seems like they're planning some sort of contest between Maguro and Fried horse mackerel, also known as Kuroda-kun, is refusing and making a chain with paper.

On the other hand, there's Gindou-san...

"As expected of Izayoi-kun! You're doing it right!"

"Kuroda-kun's pushiness is still impressive."

"I'm the Izayoi first, after all!"

Her likability keeps rising, and it's almost like it's getting too high. I hope she won't get too carried away and start doing things like stabbing people with a knife because she's "jealous."

While thinking about such things, we continue to work diligently. Our class is filled with high-spec students like Kimchika-kun, Maguro-kun, Gindou-san, so everything moves incredibly fast. Kimchika-kun took care of getting the costumes, decided on the budget in a matter of minutes, and assigned positions in seconds. It's unbelievably efficient.

However, Kuroda-kun was muttering, "Although Kohaku-san is going to be a maid, this budget seems too low. It feels like it's missing seven zeros." But we'll accept it as part of the cultural festival. Well, if there's extra time, then...

"Now, it's time for our match! With this card game!"

"Haa, fine."

Kuroda-kun lets out a sigh as he sets up the card game with Maguro-kun. What on earth are they doing at school?

The match begins. Both of them are setting up their decks, and even brought playmats...

"I summon the Divine Dragon Volga!"

Maguro-kun plays some glittering card. I don't really understand, but the boys in the class are watching their match with intense interest. From what I've heard, this card game is very popular and has even been adapted into an anime, enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Many of the boys in our class seem to be fans.

"Hoh, he summoned Volga here..."

"He deliberately played it at this timing..."

"Now, how will he deal with it?"

Hmm, what's with this atmosphere? The boys are using words that sound like they're discussing something significant, but I have no clue what's going on.

"I'll end my turn without attacking."

"Daring not to attack... Is he looking ahead or just making a bad decision?"

"But this was a good moment to attack. Fried horse mackerel must be confused right now."

No, seriously, what's with these explanations? Didn't he just leave that monster as a potential blocker? I mean, I don't know the rules, but...

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