Chapter 86: Date, Crimson Lilies and Fried Horse Mackerel

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[Hihara Karen PoV]

On that day, I arrived at the meeting place for our date an hour early. It's currently around 9 in the morning, and there are plenty of people around. And I can feel their glances on me. I never really thought about it, but am I actually quite popular? Well, it doesn't really matter... I came early because I didn't want to be late, but...

"Good morning."

He's already here. Just as expected from Izayoi...

"How long have you been here?"

"I just got here a little while ago."

He's definitely been here longer. We currently live in the same house, but we decided to meet up like this because we wanted to have a proper meeting point. When I left the house, he wasn't there already. Maybe he's been here for two hours? Well, that's unlikely.

"Senpai, your outfit is super cute. And of course, Senpai is even cuter."

"A-ah I see. Enough of that, let's get going. Time is limited, you know."

...He's coming on so strong!!! I mean, I'm happy, but I'm not used to this!! By the way, I'm wearing a white-based dress with floral patterns. I searched online for trendy clothes and hurriedly bought this outfit yesterday to wear today.

I'm an indoor person, so I don't really have a lot of trendy clothes.

"Is it okay if we hold hands?"

"I-It can't be helped......"

What's with this guy!? How can he be so forward!? Up until now, he used to stutter and be nervous whenever we had harem-like situations. So, what's with this change!?

[Date me!]

[Are you volunteering as my baggage handler?]

He used to have this kind of vibe around him!

But now, he's pushing forward so aggressively. If pushing doesn't work, he's like "push-push-push-push." He's really coming on strong.

His hand is a bit rough, different from mine. With this hand, he's always protected me... Suddenly, my face starts heating up. Even though we both have feelings for each other, it's weird that we're not in a special relationship...

"First of all, where do you want to go?"

"Let's go to the movies. They're showing a movie about the failure at the Magic Academy right now."

"R-Right! Let's go!"

Alright! I really wanted to see this!

'Theatrical Release of The Failure at the Magic Academy: Traditional End Featuring Over Magic and the Truth of Sorcery. What is Magic? What is Sorcery? Will Everything Be Revealed? – The Final Curtain and Conclusion -'

The title and subtitle are so long, but I don't mind at all!

"It's the conclusion, right?"

"Yes. Well, there's still source material left, so it's not really the conclusion. Probably a fake ending. That movie studio did something similar before with their taglines. Most likely, the next theatrical release will be 'A New Beginning' or something like that."

"I see... Anyway..."

"What's wrong?"

Izayoi suddenly stops in his tracks. I stop too, wondering what's going on. He's trembling, looking at our connected hands.

"I'm so happy and moved that we're holding hands like this!"

"That's not the kind of thing you're supposed to say!"

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