Chapter 17: A mob that fantasized about a self-made hero.

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I knew immediately that I was an ordinary person. I had always longed to be a hero, a heroic person, or a heroic being, but those dreams are gone.

When I was really young, I used to make up my own heroes and act them out all the time, but such things are just fantasies. For some reason, I still remember that hero that I worked so hard to create, thinking up settings like an idiot. But it was just a fantasy. It means nothing.
In elementary school, I spent my time just going through the motions. Because I knew that I was an ordinary person, I could not devote myself to anything. I thought it was pointless to try.
Something changed when I was in junior high school. One day, I found a book. The book was a heroic tale about a group of young girls who go straight ahead, even though they are hurt.
When I was reading that book, I could naturally dream. I was an ordinary person, but I enjoyed it because I felt like I was doing something special.

But that dream and those happy times came to an end when I was in high school. The story was complete. I graduated from high school and went to college. From there, life was to begin as normal as before, graduating from high school and attending college.

Then, one day. I heard that a work I used to love had been released again.......

I was curious, so I read all three previously published books. As a result, I was in a bad mood. The work, which was nothing but disgusting, was cancelled. Well, of course. I felt better.
Then one day, some time later, I was walking down the street to the university when a kid ran out into the street chasing a ball. And there was a car there. ...... If I don't do this, the kid might die.

For some reason, my body moved on instinct. In that moment, my family's faces flashed through my mind. And then, afterwards, the faces of those girls...

Just like that... Ah, in the end, their faces are the ones that come to mind.

—After all, to them I.....

It's been a long time since I've seen this. I dreamt that I was run over by a car and died. I guess I had this strange dream because I read a novel called "Hero in the Shadow". I guess some strange thoughts were still in my head.

I get out of bed and start getting ready for school. Today is a pretty important day, one could say.
Today should be the start of it. It's the bad end of Hihara Karen and the contents of the second volume of "if story" The joint sports festival event.......

I honestly wouldn't say this event is easier than the last one, but the two bad endings don't overlap as they did last time. In the case of Gindou Kohaku, she was stalked by a number of delinquents, but this time there is only one and therefore I can focus on a single point of action.

The bad end is involved in the joint meeting held by the committee members of the joint sports festival. In the "if story," Hihara Karen was destined to be a member of the executive committee. But that doesn't mean that if I don't become a member of the executive committee, there is a possibility that I won't be able to do something about it.

Either way, I'm going to be a committee member. I am sure that Hihara Karen will lose in the rock-paper-scissors-scissors competition and become a member of the executive committee.
To act based on the possibility that it might happen... That's all I need to do.


When I arrived at school in the morning, people were already talking about the sports festival. Many students in the classrooms were filled with anticipation.

"I'll show the girls here something impressive..."

"Should we spike the drinks of students from other schools?"

"I see, it's unlikely that our athletic abilities suddenly improve. So, what does that mean?"

"That's right! Instead of us rising, it means bringing others down!!"

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