Chapter 68: Mel the Fairy

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Another World Artemis

In a world where different cultures have developed, coexisting two races have now become one. The Fairy Clan, with butterfly-like wings on their backs, appears similar in size and appearance to modern humans.

Artemis, the land where the Fairy Clan resides, lacks smartphones and electronic devices, but instead, they possess unique technology and resources. The world has a fantasy-like atmosphere, featuring monsters, dungeons, and some minor crimes, but overall, it is undoubtedly a peaceful place.

Now, within the throne room of a kingdom in Artemis, a red carpet is laid out, and luxurious furniture decorates the room befitting a king. Seated on the throne is a man with a moderate amount of facial hair, appearing to be in his sixties if he were human.

Standing before this person is a young fairy girl, with green hair and brown eyes, giving off a modest and youthful vibe, appearing to be in her early twenties.

"At last, the demons have finally awakened... If we're not careful, this world could be in danger"

"...I am prepared, Melphy-sama."

"It's not yet completely certain that this world is facing a crisis. The protective barrier is always active. That's why, Mel, if you determine it's dangerous, come back anytime. Avoiding the loss of the world's greatest fairy, which is you, is crucial... The demons who realized they can't come to this world will probably head to another nearby world..."

"I understand. I will do my best to exterminate, observe, and investigate the demons within my capabilities."

"Umu, I'm counting on you..."

"Then, if you'll excuse me."

The king, Melphy, spoke with a serious expression, and the fairy girl called Mel bowed respectfully before leaving the throne room.

"Seriously, why do I have to do something like this? Well, I guess I can't refuse when the king asks me. Ah, I'm so tired... Really exhausted... But, well, I have to go because I told Mom about the impending crisis..."

Mel muttered with a lazy look on her face unlike before. It melted into the air without being heard by anyone.


"And... done."

The fairy named Mel, before receiving a certain mission from the king.

The demoness, Michelle, muttered as she stood in front of a black battleship. It was about twenty meters long and two meters tall, an incredibly massive size. It could be considered the embodiment of the new Demon Lord

Michel was impressed but also tired, slumping down wearily after completing the ship.

"You did well! I kinda like the design, you know."

"...I don't dislike it."

The skeletal Bone Saburo also seemed to take a liking to the black battleship and tried to enter, but he stopped and called out to the two.

".....Oh right, we need to give it a name... How about 'Demon King Saturn'?"


"Rejected. ...... Just a regular battleship would be fine."

"Right, just a black battleship."

Although the skeletal expression doesn't really change, Bone Saburo looked somewhat sad.

The slightly lonely Bone Saburo and the enthusiastic Michelle entered the black battleship. Following them, Don also entered.

"Oooohhh!! It's so romantic!"

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