Chapter 71: Rebirth of four people

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That day, the explanation took a lot of time, so I decided to let them stay overnight. It might not be the best idea to casually let them stay, but considering that we'll be living together... maybe it's alright? Well, it's not really good, but I need to do everything I can.

So, the process of the girls successfully getting their magical attire has been surpassed. Now I'm showing Mel around the house and making requests for the future.

"And I'd like to have a training room set up around here. You can use any room as a laboratory or workspace freely."

"Oh, that's great. As a researcher, having that would be quite helpful. Thanks."

"And about going to Artemis, is that still possible?"

"Well, about that... it seems like the decision hasn't been made yet. It's not easy to suddenly have several people with a thousand times the normal magic power... I'm really sorry for suggesting cooperation and not having a definite answer."

"No, that's not a problem. It's expected."

I really want to go to Artemis right away, but I expected that their world might reject the idea. So, for now, we'll continue doing what we can in the current situation. In the original "Story," they eventually go to the other world, but that happens after gaining trust through various battles and experiences here. It's unlikely to happen all at once.

"I'm sorry, I can prepare the magical equipment right away, but why do we need so many different types of clothes? Even children's clothes?"

"It's because we anticipate that the demons will attack civilians in the future. So, by wearing ordinary clothes and intentionally appearing to be left behind, we can surprise the demons and make it difficult for them to attack regular citizens. Moreover, having a wide range of variations will deter the demons from harming civilians."

"I see, creating a situation where it's difficult to attack those who appear to be left behind. That makes sense."

"That's right. But it's not the only reason. Dealing with ordinary citizens being taken hostage can be quite troublesome. We also need to consider situations where we might not make it in time."

"I understand. But what about the children's clothes? It seems difficult considering the difference in body size."

"We can create a potion for age regression, but it might take some time."

"I see. Please try to make it as soon as possible."


This fairy is a skilled researcher, and her world is filled with fantasies that don't exist here. The "Story" also had examples of "Magical Girls" being aged down, so creating such a potion should be possible.

"Alright then, I'll start working on it. You can relax in your room."

"No, I'll help. Whatever you need."

"Oh, in that case, could you lend me your magic power? Pour it into that device over there."


I channeled my magic power into the device near her. To make the most of our time, I began contemplating our future plans while she worked.


[Demon Side]

"It is here, the second monster is complete."

"Ooh, really? Last time, we couldn't gather any information at all. This time, we need to know more about the enemy."

"I understand. This time, I've created a high-speed focused monster, the Torpedo Man."

Magiclad Girls and a Mob who will save them, or else the world is doomed!Where stories live. Discover now