Chapter 116: Yandere

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[Hihara Karen PoV]

We embraced each other for about five minutes since we started, even though I had mentioned it was almost time for dinner. Could it be that Izayoi hasn't been thinking at all? If that's the case, it's getting a little awkward, isn't it? Are we going to spend the night like this?

These are ridiculous thoughts.

Anyway, I should say something to him.


""After you.......""

Of course, we chose this moment to talk at the same time, making it awkward. Or maybe it was just embarrassing.

But for some reason, I found myself gripping his yukata tightly. My heart and body were in contradiction, and I was confused. Then, he finally mustered the courage to speak.

"Ah, maybe we should head back soon?"

I had been waiting for those words, or maybe I hadn't. It's a complicated feeling, but with his words as the trigger, we separated our hands from each other.

In the pitch-black world, illuminated only by the moonlight, I couldn't tell how long we had been hugging. I didn't know, but one thing was clear: if we were suspected by the others, it wouldn't be good.

After all, I had just become Izayoi's one and only girlfriend for now... but if everyone found out, it could lead to various problems, and I couldn't afford to let that happen.

"You're right..."

We stood up from the bench.

And there, I blurted out something I hadn't really been conscious of, but it just came out. Since I was Izayoi's only girlfriend for now... well, maybe just a little something different could be allowed. So, a kiss, maybe...

"By the way, for now, I'm the only one who's Izayoi's girlfriend, right? So, um..."

"Oh, about that..."

"What is it?"

"Well, actually... I've been dating Moegi a few days ago..."

"Haaaaaaaaaaa?! Since when?!"

"About three days ago..."

I had no idea! But at the same time, it made sense. So that's why she suddenly got so close to him, and the frequency of her physical contact increased abnormally. Moegi, that sneaky girl! Is she some kind of assassin?!

I'll have to talk to her about this later...

Damn it, second place. The position of the loser. Izayoi and I are not childhood friends, which is the only saving grace.

Thinking that way, I lost all the happiness I had just felt, and I was suddenly overwhelmed by feelings of competition and jealousy.

I pulled his face towards mine and our lips met, as if engraving a deep love.

"Um, I should head back now."

I quickly moved away from his lips and left the scene.

I was so embarrassed by my own actions. What have I done?!

We're going to have dinner together afterwards! It's definitely not a pattern where I'll be tormented by thoughts of that kiss! Acting like a good girl and then kissing passionately, only to eat dinner with everyone after, isn't that the most embarrassing thing ever?!

I messed up in so many ways. I could have done something more amazing, but I couldn't.

The fact that Moegi had been secretly working behind the scenes also came to light. What's going on?!

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