Chapter 72: Fast horse mackerel

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On the night when I accommodated the girls, I began training in the newly created training room, activating my magic equipment. It was a specially constructed room powered by magic, several times larger than the usual space. I had installed a door in a corner of the house, and passing through it would lead to this room.

"It's not good to push yourself too hard right away."

"No, I'll be fine..."

"If you say so... Then I'll have to do my best too."

She left the training room. She must have headed to her research lab.

"I want to grasp the feeling firmly... It will be beneficial for the future."

To lighten the burden on them as much as possible, I must do my best. Especially because they are high school students, and their studies must not be affected. That's why I must train secretly. If I were to train late at night, kind-hearted girls like them would either stop me or insist on doing it together. That wouldn't be good. It would be a burden, and above all, it wouldn't be good for their skin. If their silky smooth skin were to get damaged... I would have to perform a full naked apology.

Well, anyway, I'm casually jumping and swinging my sword, but the one I'm currently using is a black sword. And I'm wearing a black robe.

Several different types of "magical equipment" have been completed, as I requested.

My talented companion finished them for me in just one night.

Each "magical equipment" has a unique magic-equipped technique, similar to a finishing move, ranging from direct offensive power to supportive illusions.

Furthermore, a single "magical equipment" can have up to three "magic-equipped technique," so choosing the right ones to use is crucial.

Tonight, I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep. On that night, I dedicated myself to rigorous training.


The next day, I woke up from my bed. However, I couldn't shake off the drowsiness... I went downstairs trying not to show it on my face.

"Good morning, Izayoi-kun. Breakfast is ready."

Huh? Could it be that she styled her hair in braids? It looks cute. She's wearing my mother's casual outfit, just a simple t-shirt. But Gindou Kohaku looks fabulous, radiating a mature aura from the morning.

"Good morning. Sorry for waking you up so early."

"No, it's fine... Uhm, how does it look? This style..."

She lightly touches her braids. It's so enchanting.

"Uh... It really suits you. I-i-it's super cute."

"T-Thank you very much."

Oops, I stumbled over my words... It's the morning, after all. My mouth didn't move as smoothly as I wanted. I'm not feeling nervous or anything like that.

The dining table has scrambled eggs, miso soup, white rice, and pickles. It's a healthy breakfast.


Everyone starts eating. I never imagined that I would have such a breakfast one day. It's truly a touching moment for me. But then, Kataumi Aoi speaks to everyone.

"Uhm, I need to talk to my parents face-to-face, so I'll go home for today."

"Huh? Didn't you already get permission from your parents?"

"Well yes, but I still want to have a conversation with them."

"Well, I immediately got the okay from my parents, and the movers will be here today."

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