Chapter 91: Maguro vs. Fried horse mackerel and tempura Part 1

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[Natsuko PoV]

After the morning homeroom ended, I began preparing for the next class while observing Gindou-san in the front seat. She took out a strawberry-flavored candy from her bag, put it in her mouth, and her cheeks slightly relaxed.

"Ah, Natsuko-san, would you like some too?"

"Thank you."

Without changing her expression much or moving her body much, she responded and turned to offer me a candy from her snack bag. As I've thought since the first term, she always seems to have candies in her snack bag. I shouldn't... No, I won't say anything about her being concerned about her weight. If I did, she'd probably get really upset and start giving me a series of karate chops.

In front of her, the new transfer student, Maguro-kun... the girls are all looking at him with heart eyes. Huh? I feel someone's gaze. Kuroda-kun... Oh, it really looks like they're both mutually interested. I sort of had a feeling from before.

"Listen to what I have to say!"

"Go ahead."

Without much change in her expression and hardly moving, she simply responds. Isn't she a bit cold? Well, it's our first meeting, so I guess it can't be helped, but... isn't she a bit cold? I'm sure if it was Kuroda-kun...

"Kohaku-san, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure, what is it?"

With her relaxed way of talking and tilting her head, she's appealing with her cuteness while giving a goddess-like smile... As expected, she's expertly cute, limited to Kuroda-kun! Well, it's that aspect that's cute about her.

Now, let's get back to my thoughts. Maguro-kun... suddenly in front of her...

"Reintroducing myself, I'm Kuromaguro Takeshi! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you, Takeshi-kun."

"So, I'm still not used to this school! So, during lunch break, could you show me around the school..."

"I'm sorry. I have plans during lunch."

No, her response was too quick! She didn't even let him finish speaking!

"U-uhm Maguro-kun, suddenly to Gindou-san..."

"Could it be like a shoujo manga!?"

"Kyaa kyaa."

The girls are making a fuss, but... she doesn't seem to care. Gindou-san would probably be someone who would have a high difficulty level in dating sims or something. Kuroda-kun is just special; for the average guy, the difficulty level would be beyond "Very Hard."

"How about after school?"

"I already have prior commitments after school, I'm sorry."

"Ugh, you're quite busy."

"Yes, I am."

"I'll try again..."

A-amazing. She's elegantly sidestepping a pushy guy. Unbelievable. It's impressive that Kuroda-kun managed to win her over. Well, Kuroda-kun wouldn't be deterred there, and he's probably going to stick around like a spirit of vengeance – that's visible.

[Don't follow me!]

[It just so happens our destinations are the same!]

He's going to stick around... He's pretty persistent. The first impression I got from her was that she was a bit cold, but this time, she left the impression of trying to forcefully retreat into her shell. I'll ask her about it.

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