Chapter 7: The Mob's Early Bird Gets the Worm

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I get up at 4:30 and wait near the first floor entrance of the apartment building where Gindou Kohaku lives.

A little later, she came out almost on time. Grumpy as she was, she made sure to say hello.

"Good morning" (Kohaku)

"Good morning. Then let's get going right away." (Izayoi)

We walk out as soon as she comes up next to me.

She keeps and turns her suspicious eyes on me.

"You'll give me explanations, right?"

"What explanation?"

"I'm asking why, we're going to school at such a time!!!"

"It is to avoid running into delinquents."

I explain the situation while walking briskly. However, she still doesn't seem convinced.

"This is too early!"

"Is that so? Though I think doing it this much is the safest?"

"It's 5am you know!! Are you stupid!! Please take a look, there are hardly any people around!!"

I look around on my surroundings. Sure is, there's not as many people as usual. Well, it's not something to worry about.

"Feel free not to put it to mind."

"I do mind!"

We arrived at the school as it was, while chatting with her idly, and let it set adrift. Though she was in a bad mood while we were at it....

"So we're the first to come."

"I bet!!"

The school has not opened. Even if it opens, it should be around 6:00. The current time is 5:15. I checked it with my smartphone.

"So there will be some time before it opens. However, no matter how you look at it, as expected, we were going too early, weren't we?"

"I told you earlier didn't I!! I said, No matter how you put it, this is too early!!"

While pacifying her, I sit on a nearby bench for the time being. It's a refreshing morning. Getting up early might not be a bad idea either. Though never again I will do something like this.

"From now on, must I have to get up early every day?"

"I wonder?"

"This here is the one asking though?"

She was exasperated and didn't seem to want to ask any more questions. 

Time passes without us really talking to each other.

I wonder, is it better to at least have a little conversation? Though it's just a little, being alone with a woman makes me nervous. It was just the two of us yesterday too, but my heart is beating rather fast right now.

"It's not a bad idea either, isn't it? to wake up early."

"Yes, but it angers me when you're the one saying that."

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