Chapter 15: Beautiful girl in cardboard.

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[Natsuko PoV]

My name is Noguchi Natsuko. I am an ordinary high school girl. I'm waking up Gindou-san, who just fainted.

"Gindou-san! It's okay!"


Her soul is missing! Her mouth is open and her eyes are unfocused. She's been like this since she saw Kuroda-kun and Hihara-Senpai leaving together.



She finally regains consciousness when I shout loudly enough. When she regained consciousness, she immediately started to pack up her belongings.

"Gindou-san, where are you going?"

"I have...... to take care of some business."

"Are you going after them?"

"...... yeah, well..."

Surprising. She doesn't admit her fondness for him, but she seems to readily admit it here. No, she can't afford to worry about it now, right? She hurriedly got up from her seat and left the classroom.

Now ...... I'm going to go after her. I packed my bags and followed her.


She is following them, hiding in the shadows about ten meters away from Kuroda-kun and Hihara-Senpai. She pokes her head out and stares at them with her gaze fixed on a single point. So she is following them like a double-tail.

I also see Kuroda-kun and the others talking happily. I can see her teeth chattering as she watches them.

I didn't have that impression of Hihara-sensei. I had an image of her being quieter, but she must have a good relationship with Kuroda-kun to be able to talk like that. I don't really know what they are talking about.

At this rate, he'll be taken in good by Hihara-senpai, who came out of nowhere. Gindou-san is not going to be left out of the game forever.

"Um, can I have this cardboard?"

"Haa. That's fine......"

 She acts in an oblique manner. She probably wants to get closer and eavesdrop on their conversation. She got a large cardboard box from the grocery store and went into it and approached them at once.

 The distance of about ten meters is suddenly halved to about five meters. Everyone who passed her in the cardboard looked back at her. It was amazing in many ways that they looked back at her even in her plain form and even when she hid.

It would be normal for people to notice if someone was following them in a cardboard box, but those two were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice. Gindou-san was close enough to hear their conversation, and she kept walking around by their side, but then the unexpected happened.

"What is thisss!!"


"The cardboard is moving!"

She was spotted by a group of small children. Elementary school kids? It was the end of the school day, and they were probably in the middle of playing together.

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