Chapter 80: Fried horse mackerel and fortune-telling

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I called the fortune teller again. The reason is that the flow of the "story" is way too different from what it should be. If it's possible to know what's happening, I want to hear it.



Her voice lacks all the vigor, and the confident tone she had before seems to have disappeared.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I've been having strange dreams lately... and I'm not getting enough sleep."

"I see..."

My conscience aches, but there's no helping it. I'll ask her for a fortune-telling.

"Well, I want to request a fortune-telling..."

"Umu... understood."

In a feeble voice, she mumbles, and after a few seconds, the result of the fortune-telling is ready. At least I'm lucky.

"Four people around you... each of them has a black cloud-like haze surrounding them. However, Crimson of raging fire is avoided."

"As I thought... is it possible for one person to be burdened with two disasters?"

"I too have no previous examples of such a thing, so I don't know... It was evaded once, but whether it was born again or something else, I can't tell... Were there two from the beginning..."

Can it be that after avoiding one, there could be another? Such a situation wasn't present in the 'if story.' I can't tell if it's irregular or something else, but I'm assuming that the mid-boss, the lion, appeared, so the other three will come one after another.

"Um, do you know the faces of Silver-white of utmost brilliance, Lightning Yellow or the Deep Sea Blue? I'll send photos of them, so can you do a fortune-telling for all three?"

"Understood... I'll hang up for now... I need to sleep... Oh, and for the other three, the worst hasn't come yet, that's all..."

"Thank you very much."

With a click, the call ends. She seemed quite worn out.

She must have her own circumstances too. Despite that, she's cooperating, and I'm grateful for that.

I'll send her a photo of the previous group picture, and since she knows Silver of Dazzling Light face, I'll ask her to do a fortune-telling for all three.

After that, I must do what I can... the impending disaster. Assuming there are four heavenly kings left, then if I can go to the Artemis in the other world, everything can be resolved.

Thinking about the future, I head back to the living room for now.


[Hihara Karen PoV]

I make a phone call alone in my bedroom. After a few rings, Mom answers, and I begin to talk to her. I want to discuss my current situation and figure out what I should do from now on.

"Hello, Mom?"

"Yes, what's wrong? Is it about the engagement with Izayoi-kun, or did you want to report that you've become a couple?"

"It's actually about something else..."

The sudden expectation in Mama's voice weighed heavily on my heart. My current situation hadn't made any progress compared to before.

"Seems like you're not feeling well. Did something happen?"

"Yeah... um, to put it simply... I think I've started to like Izayoi-kun... or, rather, I've started to see him in a positive light... Because of that, I can't talk to him properly, and I end up saying the opposite of what I really feel, or saying things I don't mean... I'm not sure what to do."

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