Chapter 26: Mob with hearing loss

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[Karen PoV]

It's past nine in the evening, and I hear the sound of the door opening. It's probably Mom who has returned. Holding the letter, I make my way downstairs.

I descend the stairs slowly, heading towards the living room. My legs start to tremble again, and my heartbeat becomes restless.

But I've made up my mind to take a step forward, to believe in my family.

As I enter the living room, Dad and Mom are sitting side by side on the sofa.

"...Mom, welcome home."

"I'm back."

"Listen, I have something I want to talk to you about, Mom and Dad, and I need you to listen to me."


"Please, go ahead."

I take a deep breath and open the letter. I must speak up, take that step forward. If I can't do it now, I'll feel sorry for Izayoi who has gone through so much for me.

I meet the gaze of Mom and Dad. My feelings are about to be conveyed.

"...I want to say something that I've never been able to say before."

"I love both Mom and Dad. I have so many memories of being together that are etched in my heart. When I was little, I got scolded for drawing a pentagram on the car with stones, for drawing stars with mayonnaise on sleeping Dad, for drawing a @ sign with ketchup on Mom who was sleeping, and for drawing a pirate symbol with soy sauce on Dad's important suit. I remember all of them vividly, without any fading."

"With every prank I pulled, I would get scolded, cry, apologize, and be forgiven. That's how I grew up. I couldn't repay you much, and I'm grateful for raising me even though I've always been selfish. But please let me be selfish once again. I want to be with Mom and Dad... I know there will come a time when I have to leave you both. But until that time comes, I want to be together."

I said it for the first time. My true feelings. And as I recall the past, my emotions welled up, tears threatened to spill, and my tone became stronger.

"I want us to have more fun, to laugh together, and to go shopping and on picnics like we used to! I know that the relationship between you two has changed from what it was before! I know there are things that are hard for both of you to say! You might think it's too late, but still, I want to be together! Please, I'm begging you!"

I bow my head. The tears I was trying to hold back spilled uncontrollably, distorting my vision. I'm afraid of their response.

"Thank you for expressing your feelings so sincerely, Karen. Your feelings have reached me"

"Your feelings have reached Mom too. You've truly grown"

As they speak gently with smiles on their faces, I feel relieved that my emotions have been conveyed. Maybe, just maybe, this will be resolved!

"You've shown such admirable courage, Karen. I need to show a cool side of myself too"

Dad says and takes out a letter. A letter... in the same envelope as mine. Is it just a coincidence?

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