Chapter 60: The Deepening Beauty

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[Moegi PoV]


I let out a morning yawn as I walked along the school route. I couldn't suppress my sleepiness and kept yawning repeatedly. Last night, I suddenly remembered a scary story I heard long ago, and it kept me from sleeping well.

As I walk alone, I spot a girl with red twin-tails ahead. I increase my pace and walk beside her.

"Good morning, Karen-chan."

".....Mm, good morning..."

There are heavy bags under her eyes, and she seems a bit unsteady on her feet. She has these kinds of days occasionally. Maybe it's because she stayed up late watching anime?

"You stayed up late watching anime again yesterday, right?"

"Yeah, there are so many interesting shows this season..."

"That's not good. Don't stay up late."

"Moegi, you also have bags under your eyes..."

"I couldn't help it... I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't..."

As we walk together, both feeling sleepy, we hear the sound of someone running up from behind. Karen-chan also seems curious and turns around. It's a silver-haired girl.

She seems to have something to say to Karen-chan rather than me, as she runs straight toward her. And then, she stops in front of her.

"Haa, haa..."

"What's... with you? This early in the morning..."

"I... I have something... to talk to you about..."

Karen-chan looks surprised, and Kohaku-chan is breathing heavily. Despite her irregular breathing, she desperately tries to convey something.

"What is it?"

"I... I think we should reconsider our past and future together..."

"What do you mean?"

Kohaku-chan catches her breath and faces Karen-chan.

"I've always prioritized my own feelings... and maybe you have too, right?"

"...That might be true."

"I think our feelings are precious. But is it really okay to continue like this? Lately, I feel like we haven't been considering Izayoi-kun enough, always prioritizing ourselves."


"I don't think I can continue like this. Izayoi-kun has been kind to us. He probably laughs and forgives us no matter what we do. But don't you think we've been relying on that kindness too much?"


"Karen-senpai, please place your hand on your chest and think about it. Think about our past... Were there feelings for the other person? Did you have respect for them?"

Kohaku-chan takes Karen-chan's hand and guides her to place it on her chest. Karen-chan closes her eyes. After a few seconds, she opens them.

"Right... We might have been too self-centered... Making a fuss during lunch, being possessive, without considering Izayoi's feelings..."

"Yes, exactly. We need to consider Izayoi feelings from now on. We should interact with him, express our interest, and convey our affection."

"I... I was getting anxious. I thought that because Kohaku is stylish, cute, and better than me, she might take Izayoi away from me, and I didn't want that to happen at any cost..."

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