Chapter 13: Natsuko-san Analysis Mob

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Volume 2: The Girl in Red

Lunch break. The moment has finally come. I head towards the cafeteria, carrying the single volume of “The Failure of Magic Academy” , her favorite light novel.

“Izayoi, let’s go grab some food together.”

“Sorry, I have something to do…”

“You’ve got an unnecessary air of dignity. Alright, maybe next time.”


Right now, I’m more focused than ever. It’s crucial to make a good first impression. If I want to become close with her, I have to leave a positive initial impact.

Ah, I’m so nervous. But I have to go.

I leave the classroom and make my way to the cafeteria, thinking about her along the way.

Hihara Karen generally spends her time alone. She’s a tsundere type who struggles with interacting with people and expressing her emotions effectively.

Now, how should I approach her? The simplest method is to read a light novel in front of her. If she sees me reading her beloved “The Failure of the Magic Academy,” she’ll surely be intrigued and want to talk about it.

And then, she’ll start a conversation. If worst comes to worst and she doesn’t initiate, I can always take the lead if I sense she’s interested. We can develop a relationship without any awkwardness.

Hehehe, I’m quite the strategist. But now’s not the time for jokes.

I arrived safely at the cafeteria. As I look around, I spot her immediately.

Eyes and hair as crimson as a blazing fire. She has twin tails and her figure… Well, a woman’s charm is not solely about her appearance. Nevertheless, she’s sitting alone, just as I expected.

“Excuse me, I’ll have the curry.”


I wait a bit until I receive the curry after paying. However, I realize something at this moment. I hadn’t considered that it would be strange to sit right in front of her without any prior interaction. There are plenty of empty seats around, so it might seem unnatural. Well, is it okay?

“Here’s your curry.”

“Thank you.”

I’m getting nervous. She’s incredibly cute, and my heart is pounding so much that my arm is trembling.

Should I go for it today? There’s still time before reaching a bad end. No, when else will I do it if not now? Procrastination won’t lead to anything good.

—Let’s do it.

I slowly approach her. By the way, she’s also eating curry. When I get closer, she seems to notice me and turns her face toward me. I need to calm my heart, gather courage, and ask her to share the meal with me.

“Uhm, would you mind if I join you?”

“…There are plenty of empty seats around though.”

Magiclad Girls and a Mob who will save them, or else the world is doomed!Where stories live. Discover now