Chapter 28: Two beautiful women begin a romantic brainstorming session.

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In the midst of feeling a sharp pain in my stomach since morning and being uncomfortably stared at in the classroom, a chaotic atmosphere emerges due to the students' anxiety about the upcoming sports festival.

For now, I pretend to be asleep to endure the situation. I thought that pretending to sleep would deter excessive interference, and indeed, I only received a few hits with an eraser or pencil.

"Take your seats. Let's begin homeroom."

As Rokudo-sensei enters the classroom, the atmosphere calms down compared to earlier. Standing at the podium, he proceeds with the announcements.

"As for the sports festival that you all are concerned about, whether it will be held or not is still under discussion."

The students' faces darken like a roller coaster on a steep descent.

"However, there is an opinion that values the students' input. Therefore, if both schools agree with a 90% majority in favor of holding the event, it will be decided to continue."

"In the event of its continuation, some of you may not want to participate due to concerns. In that case, this time it will be voluntary participation. To maintain balance in the competitions, we may recruit assistance from other classes if there are any slight discrepancies."

"Now, I will distribute survey forms. You can freely choose whether to support or oppose the event. Not participating will not affect your grades, and it will not be counted as an absence. After the incident we had, it's important to make careful choices. Regardless of your decision, I won't allow anyone to force or imitate others."

Oh, I see. This might make it possible to hold the event, right? The students in Class A must be quite happy about it.

The girls seem genuinely pleased, while the boys...

"Should we skip it and go to the arcade instead?"

"There's gonna be a stupid folk dance, right?"


They're acting as usual.

Afterwards, we filled out the survey forms and submitted them, and the homeroom ended. The results will be announced during the lunch break.

Once Rokudo-sensei leaves, the classroom becomes lively. Although it's not confirmed yet whether the event will be held, even a glimmer of hope brings joy. What if it doesn't happen... I wonder what I should do then.


[Natsuko PoV]

My name is Noguchi Natsuko. I'm an ordinary female student in Class A at Mina no Iro High School.

Today, I received an unbelievable piece of news this morning.

It turns out that Gindou-san and second-year student A-class, Hihara Karen Senpai, were caught up in a chaotic situation, fighting over Kuroda-kun. When did Hihara Senpai start getting involved with him?

She didn't seem interested in him at all before, but if they've gotten together in such a short period, it's incredible.

Hihara Karen-Senpai has always been known as a cool and beautiful girl. It was surprising enough to find out that she can be quite lively after meeting Kuroda-kun... but now she's fallen for him so quickly. The school newspaper is going to have a field day with this.

And now, Gindou-san is going out of control too. I have a feeling that deep inside, she carries some sort of possessiveness or intense emotions. If she were to become yandere and suddenly stab someone with a knife... no, I'm probably overthinking it. I hope she doesn't undergo a drastic change.

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