Chapter 46: Taught Fried Horse Mackerel

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I received a message from Kikawa Moegi, so I headed to the guest room where she was sleeping. I turned on the hallway lights, went downstairs, crossed the corridor, and knocked on the door a few times.

Slowly, the door opened. I tried not to wake up the two sleeping girls by making any noise.

“Good evening…”

“Yes, good evening.”

“Uhm, it’s a bit awkward to ask…”

“You need to use the bathroom and you’re afraid to go alone, so you want me to accompany you, right?”

“…………Is there no other way to put it?”

“I thought a direct approach would save time. It would be troublesome if there were delays in you going to the bathroom and you ended up having an accident due to the slight time loss.”

“…………Even so, I’d appreciate it if you could put it in a more subtle way…”

“I see. I apologize. Well then, let’s go quickly.”


She left the room and followed behind me. We were quite close, and she subtly held onto the hem of my pajamas. It was cute and made my heart skip a beat.

Outside, it was raining heavily and the wind was strong. The sound of the rain and the strong wind gave a slightly eerie feeling. However, her presence was stronger in my mind than any fear.

“Ugh… It’s creepy…”

“There’s nothing to worry about. As I mentioned before, there has never been any supernatural occurrence in this house.”

“But there might be today by chance…”

“I understand how you feel, but it’ll be fine.”

She was walking with her legs together and was having a hard time making progress. It seemed like she had been holding it in for quite a while.

“W-Wait a minute. I need a moment to calm down…”

“Are you okay?”

“M-Maybe… I might not make it…”

She turned pale. She seemed to be thinking of the worst-case scenario. I should reassure her.

“It’ll be alright. Even if you have an accident, I won’t tell anyone. I’ll clean it up right away.”

“Don’t talk to me like I’m going to pee my pants! I won’t leak! And even if I do, I told you to keep it subtle!”

“I’m sorry…”

“Ah, mou.. I feel a bit better now…”

“That’s good… Uhm… Let’s go to the bathroom and make sure there’s no flooding.”

“……Okay, but for now, thank you for being more subtle.”

I stopped in front of the bathroom door.

“I’ll wait outside.”

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