Chapter 55: After that, the fried horse mackerel

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A man collapses to the ground, clutching his heart.

As if his heart were being consumed by a great darkness.

As if he were afflicted by a painfully debilitating illness.

He writhes in agony and screams relentlessly.

No matter how much he screams, the pain doesn't cease. On the contrary, it only grows stronger...

"T-That was embarrassing!!!"

After about an hour of continuous screaming, he finally returns to normal.


I recall the battle from earlier.

...Embarrassing!!!!!!!! It's so embarrassing!!! What's up with an attack power multiplied by a hundred trillion?! That's insane!! And the final ultimate technique is embarrassing too!

The name of the technique is way too long!!! I lie on the ground, spinning around. Then, I shout at the top of my lungs.

"Aaaaaaaaaah, it's embarrassingggggggggggggggggg!!!!"

I'm completely a chuunibyou now!!! Hopelessly hopeless chuunibyou!!!! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

My body trembles. It's just plainly embarrassing. I thought this plan would work. But when I actually did it, it turned out ridiculously embarrassing!!!

Waving an umbrella around?! Practicing mid-air levitation in water?! I actually remembered that I was doing pool wall kicks and stuff like that in preparation for aerial combat underwater!


B-But no one saw me, so it's safe, right?! Y-Yeah, thank goodness. It was all in the dream world after all!!

I check the time on my smartphone. It's around ten o'clock. Not much time seems to have passed. Just to be sure, I call the fortune teller. After a few rings, she answered. I feel sorry for disturbing her while she is probably tired.


"Oh, did you win?"

"Yes, but please check on me just to be safe."

"Understood... You have safely avoided it. The dirt has disappeared. Now, please let me sleep."

"Yes, thank you very much."


The call ends abruptly. She is really nice. I hope she has a good sleep. And thank you, fortune teller. Congratulations to me. I've managed to avoid all the bad endings.

Today, I'll treat myself extravagantly!! There's an inn, so I'll stay there, eat delicious food, and finally become just a background character. Well, being a main character is tough for someone like me after all!! From now on, I'll be an observer!! Gwahahaha!!

Feeling good, I return to the fortune teller's car and indulge in another round of sleep.



I yawned and woke up. It's almost three p.m. I must have overslept while thinking of going back to sleep...

"Are you awake?"

"Yes! Wide awake!"

"I-I see... Aren't you a bit too energetic?"

"No no, not at all! Anyway, let's stay at the inn today and go all out! I'll cover the travel and food expenses!"

"I see. In that case, I'll leave it to the Black Knight."

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