Chapter 2: The Mob's Sitting On a Seat at The Entrance Ceremony

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We freshmen are now in the midst of the entrance ceremony. We are sitting lined up on the pipe chairs, silently listening to the principal's speech.

The speech was so long that I had the illusion that no one would listen to it seriously. Around, there are also students sleeping here and there. And Sasamoto, next to me, was grinning at the female students.

I recall that even in the light novel story he was also conspicuous for this kind of eccentric behavior. I know how he feels too, but... I don't have the courage to eyeball them hard.

After a while, the principal finally finished their speech. The students looked slightly happy that the speech is finally over. Everyone was totally clapping their hands when the principal left.

"Finally, it's over"

"I thought the hands of the clock would go all the way around."

"It was this long really? I might have entered the wrong high school."

Several freshmen are making snide remarks on the sly about the principal. I feel a little sorry for the principal, who got suddenly hated from day one.

"Continuing on, freshmen representative. First year Class A Gindou Kohaku."


A lovely voice resounded. She stood up from her chair when called and went up to the stage. Both the new students and the current students ended up captivated by her. She's just that beautiful, she is.

She walked up to the podium, put her mouth close to the mic and began to speak.

"The warm spring sunshine is......"

While listening to her voice, the other students, especially the boys, are looking at her with a lewd look on their faces.

"What is that girl?"

"It was the right choice to enter this high school."

"Or rather aren't her breasts huge?"

Apparently, the hate for the principal's speech seems to have become forgotten with this, as if it never happened.

I wonder what she'd be thinking about her body being talked about in a low voice she can't hear. Though certainly they are... big.

"Heyhey, Kohaku-chan. Isn't she really cute? Her breasts are huge also."

My neighbor, Sasamoto, came and spoke to me in a low voice.

"I sure think so, but won't the teacher be keeping an eye on us?"

"It's okay I say. Everyone's talking anyway."

Indeed. Around, that kind of students are many. Even some of the teachers are also captivated by her.

――Oi, how's that as a teacher! Really?

"Wonder what food she had every day? A high school freshman, she is?"

"Sure is, I can feel the attractiveness beyond age from her."

"The struggle for her, probably will begin from here and now."

Come to think of it, the story described her as having been confessed to by a total of 100 people. Wait there a second, no way it will go till that far. Is what I thought when I was reading it a long time ago, but I'm convinced when I actually see it.

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