Chapter 107: They say Santa Claus is here, but only in here

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[Moegi Pov]

On a certain day, Aoi-chan was sitting on the sofa at his home, playing a game on her smartphone. Kohaku-chan, Karen-chan, and I were peeking in and observing. It seemed to be some kind of shooting game on the phone, and...

"Aoi-senpai, you're amazing, aren't you?"
"Am I? Ehehe..."

Her finger movements were so smooth, and she was like the goddess of judgment, sniping targets from hundreds of meters away.

"Aim... Gabatta..."

"Gabatta? What does that mean?"

"It's like when the crosshairs are off target..."

"Aoi, you've been playing games a lot lately."

"Yeah, I started playing gacha games, even though I'm free-to-play."

"Do you spend money on gacha?"

"Well... gacha games are a rabbit hole... I'm considering it."

"I've heard gacha games can be quite addictive."

"Yeah, but because of players who do spend money, I can enjoy playing as a free-to-play. Grateful and excited, I'll continue to play."

Kohaku-chan and Karen-chan asked Aoi-chan questions while watching her play, and she answered them in between her intense gaming sessions.

"Y-you're amazing, Aoi..."

She ended up taking the first place without much effort. She was incredible, but we were all talking about it. Then, Aoi-chan suggested that we all play a game together.

"I want to play a game together..."

"That sounds great. Let's do it. Actually, I'm interested in the legendary 'Uratarou' game."

"You mean 'Uraten'?"

"Yes. Let's play it together!"

So, we decided to play a video game together (the four of us). He was out shopping, and Mel-chan was holed up in the lab, so it was a showdown between the four of us. We thought it would be fun, but...

"Hey! Could you please stop passing Bomber-sama only to me!?"

"Why are you lying? It happened by chance!"

"Lying? How could you not pass that to Moegi from that distance!?"

"Oh, sorry..."

Our total assets were: Aoi-chan, with over 10 billion; Kohaku-chan and Karen-chan, stuck in a struggle at the bottom, fighting over Bomber-sama. Things got chaotic, so we decided to change the game.

"Maybe we should have chosen a cooperative game after all..."

"Hear you loud and clear."

"Kohaku, let's avoid any arguments this time."

"I understand. Let's do our best together."

Yeah, it's better to play games where we all work toward a common goal, right? That's what I thought as I controlled the character on the TV screen, aiming to clear the stage. However, things didn't go as planned.

When Kohaku-chan's character tried to jump over a hole, coincidentally, Karen-chan's character was trying to do the same thing, and Karen-chan accidentally stepped on Kohaku-chan's character, causing Kohaku-chan to lose the game.

"Ah sorry... that wasn't intentional."

"That wasn't intentional? So, you mean the previous one was intentional?"

"No, I'm really sorry... I'll be more careful next time."

"Of course, you better be!"

She said it with a smile, but in the next scene, she deliberately stomped on an enemy turtle and threw it at Karen-chan.

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