Chapter 62: Fried cat mackerel

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I screamed.

[Please notice me!]

"Hmm? There's a cat... It's meowing towards us."

"Is it a stray? It's small and black, so cute."

"Wait, aren't these our high school uniforms scattered around!? Is this an incident!?"

Oh, they noticed me right away! Please recognize me! If this goes on, I'll be homeless!

The clouds are also starting to look ominous, and it might rain at night...

The three of them bend their knees and sit down without their buttocks touching the ground... Their thighs look nice. Gindou Kohaku has a good figure. Hihara Karen has a toned body with a hint of softness. Kikawa Moegi's legs are already erotic... No, all of them are erotic...

I shouldn't be thinking about these things now. I need them to notice me.

[It's me!! It's Kuroda!!]

"This uniform is for a boy..."

"Why are the clothes scattered around like this?"

"It smells like an incident... Should we take them to the police box?"

"Yeah, let's do that for now! Wait, wait a minute, there are also pants here!!! Who did this!!"

When Hihara Kren tried to pick up the pants, she noticed that there were pants inside and panicked, letting go and raising her voice.

"I have a feeling this is a serious pervert. There's no sign of a struggle, so he probably took it off voluntarily... Let's leave it and go to Kohaku-chan's house."

"Yeah, there's a dangerous feeling about this..."

"Yes, let's pretend we didn't see anything."

Hihara Karen, Gindou Kohaku, and Kikawa Moegi act as if they didn't see anything and start to leave. Never mind the uniforms, please notice me!! If possible, I want you to notice the uniforms too!!

"Oh, what should we do with this cat?... It might be my type."

"Me too... It looks somewhat like Izayoi..."


Silver, red, and yellow shift their interest from the uniform to the cat-like me.

"It has eyes that are just like Izayoi-kun's!! Ahhhh, I've decided!! I'll live with this cat!!"

"Eeh!? Isn't that too sudden?"

"That's right, if you're going to take it in, you should choose more carefully."

"I've already decided!! Your name will be Izayoi!!"

Gindou Kohaku holds me in both hands, her eyes sparkling. What should I do about my uniform... Can someone take it to the police box?

"Eeh!? Are you giving the cat the same name?"

"It's fine! He looks so similar! Right~, my Izayoi?"

"I sense Kohaku's other desires though..."

[More importantly, could you please pick up my uniform...?]

"Aha, he seems happy with the name! Look, he's meowing!"

"I wonder if he's really happy... I can't tell. But can I hold him for a bit later?"

"Me too."

"I think it will be fine. Right~, my Izayoi?"

[...Could you please pick up my uniform?]

"Oh, so cute! This is the best. It's truly a fateful encounter between me and Izayoi."

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