Chapter 82: Game of Life and 4 People

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[Moegi PoV]

It seems like something happened between him and Karen-chan yesterday. As a result, our relationship has become somewhat awkward.

I feel like our relationship is changing... Especially Kohaku-chan seems to be troubled by various things... I'm not sure if it's okay to just dive in like that...

However, I also want to become closer. Since we all live in the same house, I want to be more affectionate and hug more. I even want to have girls' gatherings. If we become closer, we can easily talk about our worries. And he also seems to care about Kohaku-chan, but... I'm not sure what to do.

Karen-chan is also happy when she's with him, but occasionally, unconsciously, she shows signs of caring about us. It wouldn't be good if all of us develop strange thoughts and our relationship becomes strained.

Alright!! I'm going to roll up my sleeves here!!

Time for the Night Women Enhancement Committee!!

Not just silly jokes. Let's play those trendy real-life girls' development simulation games together. Let's change the atmosphere with a lively uproar in the bedroom and deepen our bonds!

If one says she's sleepy and looks like she's going to sleep, I force her to take caffeine, tickle her, and don't put her to sleep.

Fufufu, it's all very forceful, let's go all out.

Huh? But isn't this approach quite similar to someone's... Nah, must be my imagination, yeah.


[Hihara PoV]

It's kind of... awkward lately. Well, not just lately, more like since yesterday and today.

Ever since the day when I expressed my feelings to Izayoi, the atmosphere among everyone seems to have changed a bit... No, it's definitely changed.

It might be selfish of me, but I somehow like everyone, and I don't want this strange feeling to continue... But then again, trying to get close from my side might also feel... well, strange.

Since we all share the same bedroom and sleep in a row, the sense of distance is close. And living in the same house, any discomfort becomes immediately noticeable...

Aoi and Moegi don't seem to be too concerned, but I can't stand to see Kohaku's gloomy expression.

What should I do? This can't continue like this... Hmm... I want to resolve this worry quickly. If I don't, I won't be able to approach Izayoi with a clear mind. I was lying on my bed, lost in thought, when Moegi came in with a smile...

"Tonight, nobody's sleeping! It's an all-night Women's Enhancement Committee!"

She suddenly gave a thumbs-up with her thumbs out. It was so unexpected that I froze for a moment.

"...That's sudden."

"Life is always unpredictable."

"Isn't that out of character?"

"Fufufu, not at all, fufufu."

"I-I see..."

"You can refuse. I'll keep asking until you accept. Fufufu."

Clearly, her character is different... It feels like it's reminding me of someone, but maybe it's just my imagination, yeah. However, this assertiveness... feels like it resembles someone. With that thought, Aoi and Kohaku entered the bedroom.

"Both of you, nobody's sleeping tonight."

She seemed to like that line... She announced it to the two who had just entered with a sparkling expression. The two of them also had a dumbfounded expression as if they were startled.

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