Chapter 93: Maguro vs. Fried horse mackerel and tempura part 2

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[Moegi PoV]

I woke up that day to my alarm. Recently, Kohaku-chan has been getting up early to make breakfast, but occasionally, I feel like I should make it too. So, I set my alarm a bit earlier than usual, but Kohaku-chan was already gone from the bed. Not only her but also Karen-chan was missing.

While Kohaku-chan not being there is one thing, it's unimaginable for Karen-chan, who's known for oversleeping, to not be snuggled up in her futon. Feeling a sense of unease due to the unusual situation, I sat up. Kohaku-chan and Karen-chan were nowhere to be seen, but Aoi-chan was sleeping soundly.

No matter where I look, she has a lovely sleeping face. I wanted to tease her a bit, but since I was concerned about the two missing girls, I decided to leave the room. They weren't in the living room, and their shoes were still inside, so they hadn't left the house... Could it be?

Following my intuition, I headed upstairs. Then, I stopped in front of a certain room. I usually avoided entering this room... I gently opened the door and peeked inside.

My eyes landed on his bed. He was sandwiched between two beautiful women. His sleeping posture clearly indicated that he couldn't escape from being locked in by both of them. However, I couldn't care less about that. What was more important was the aftermath? Did everything finish already? All three of them? No way! It's unbelievable, right? It must be something else...

Three of them... Are we talking about a threes0me? Those two would never allow such a thing. They probably argued over him or cuddled with him while sleeping, something like that, I guess. Once I felt that way, my heart felt lighter, so I went downstairs to start preparing breakfast.


I made breakfast, but no one had woken up yet. Kohaku-chan usually wakes up around this time, even if she doesn't do housework in the morning... Is she tired? Did they stay up late? When I think about that, my imagination takes a weird turn, so I continue preparing breakfast efficiently. Then, the door to their room finally opened.

"Good morning." (Aoi)

"Good morning!" (Moegi)

"Where are the three of them?"

She seemed a bit sleepy, and her words came out a bit lazy as she looked around the room and noticed that no one was there. Mel-chan usually has an irregular lifestyle, so it's normal for her to wake up around noon. But the three of them had school today, and they weren't awake yet. Furthermore, they weren't in their futons, and they weren't in the room. That must be bothering her a lot.

"Ugh, they're all sleeping together..."

"Eh? Why?"

"W-who knows?"

"Hmm... Well, I don't really care...."

"I don't care..."

"Exactly. But they should wake up soon; otherwise, they won't have time to eat breakfast properly. I'll go wake them up."

"Ah, I see. Please do."


She walked away briskly. It's still strange how I can understand what she's thinking even though she maintains an expressionless face. That's what makes her cute, and it's one of the reasons why she's easy to be friends with. There are other reasons why it's easy to get along with her too. One of those reasons is that Aoi-chan shares some similarities with Fuyumi-chan. There's a slight touch of "gal" vibe, so to speak. Both Aoi-chan and Fuyumi-chan occasionally use rough language, but they still have a strong sense of self and integrity.

With Aoi-chan's presence, school became even more enjoyable. I looked forward to the upcoming school trip and other events while my heart danced with excitement.

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