Chapter 81: Yandere silver

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[Moegi PoV]

On a certain night, the four of us were waiting for the two of them to return. Kohaku-chan, Aoi-chan, and Mel-chan were all waiting without having dinner.

It was already past 7 o'clock. I never imagined they would be out so late together... Well, they didn't explicitly say they were going out together, but if they're not here, it must be the case.

Perhaps sensing the situation, Kohaku-chan had a nervous smile on her face, while Aoi-chan seemed a bit displeased. By the way, Mel-chan pretended to be asleep, avoiding any interaction with them.

But seriously, how could they be this late without any contact?

No, I'm sure they wouldn't do anything inappropriate, right?

[I-Izayoi, be gentle with me, okay?]

[Haa... Haa... Hihara-senpai...]

[Enchant me with your charm...]

No, no, such things would never happen. I'm just getting carried away with these delusions. What's wrong with me?

For tonight's dinner, Kohaku-chan made Mapo Tofu. It looks so delicious... Should I try it?

As I pondered, I finally heard the sound of the front door opening.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Huh? Didn't you say it's okay to eat?"

He and Karen-chan returned. Kohaku-chan welcomed them with a rose-like smile.

"You're quite late coming back. I wonder what you two were up to... Could you explain?"

"Well, it's not that big of a deal, you know..."

Both he and Karen-chan blushed and kept stealing glances at each other... Huh? What happened?

"Hey, can we sit down already? I'm tired of waiting."

Aoi-chan urged them to sit down, her words containing a hint of anger. Whether consciously or unconsciously, she didn't seem pleased with something.


"My bad. Thanks for waiting."

As they took their seats, Mel-chan, who seemed to understand everything, quickly stood up, not wanting to get involved.

The dining table was set up in a way that he sat vertically at one end, facing Karen-chan. On his right side sat Karen-chan and Aoi-chan, while Kohaku-chan and I sat on the left.

Well, as usual, the two of us were on either side of him...

The first to take action was Kohaku-chan. Undoubtedly, she has the strongest possessiveness among us.

"Izayoi-kun, aaaahh~"

Holding a ladle with her special Mapo Tofu, she offered it to his mouth. Kohaku-chan doesn't usually do things like this. Feeling something amiss, she made this sudden move to focus on him.

"Ah, no, I... uh..."

He seemed unsure of what to do, glancing at Karen-chan. Aoi-chan noticed and squinted her eyes, while Kohaku-chan persistently offered him the food with a smile.

That smile had a somewhat dark undertone. And I could sense an unwavering determination not to back down until he ate.

He seemed to sense that too and hesitantly opened his mouth.



Then, this time, Kohaku-chan placed some mapo tofu on the spoon and brought it close to his mouth.

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