Chapter 11: The Mob Firmly Erects a Flag

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[Gindou PoV]

"Izayoi-kun, are you okay!!!"

I run to him who has been stabbed in the abdomen. He crouches and falls. If he gets stabbed with a knife, he should be in serious condition. I have to call the hospital fast.

"Now, to the hospital"

"No, it's okay..."

"What are you saying!!"

Izayoi-kun stops me from contacting the hospital while crouching. No matter how you think about it, there's no way he's okay.

"Aah, my Goddess are you!! Beautiful!!"

The stalker man looks at me with his crazy-like eyes. A feeling of rejection and anger dominated me just by being seen with those eyes.

"I have defeated the man who follows you around." (The stalker)

"Just what is it with you!?"

I turned my face toward the stalker in anger. Power naturally enters my fists. At this rate, he might end up dying.

I... I'll protect him.

Then the next moment when I made up my mind...

"I am he, the one who loves you―*BUWAAA*!"

――Izayoi-kun's straight fist sank into the man's face.

"Eeh!? Izayoi-kun, you were okay!?"


"But, you were stabbed by the knife..."

"It's okay. I have four Japanese dictionaries under my clothes."


Four Japanese dictionaries spilled and fell out of the shirt inside his uniform. One of them has a mark from being stabbed by the knife.

I suppose it was good result-wise that those books took the damage, but even if they did, would you normally put them under your clothes, I wonder?

"I went punching him on the spur of the moment... That was my first time punching someone... It's self-defense, so it's fine, I guess..."

He is flustering about something. Is he amazing or not amazing? Strong? Or not strong? I don't really get it. However, the stalker seemed to have fainted, and the progression after that was simple.

The stalker was arrested after police arrived. 

We explain the situation. The policeman had a very dubious look on his face. The reason is his belongings. Spicy water gun, electric gun, and four Japanese dictionaries. He explains the situation, even while being hasty about it.

While we were doing various things, the time now turned 8pm. Then the two of us walk the way home together.


"What is it?"

"So you were always by my side to protect me."

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