Chapter 117: The Disappearance of Izayoi-kun

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[Moegi Pov]

On that day, I woke up with a yawn as usual. Beside me, Karen-chan and Aoi-chan were sleeping as usual. However, Kohaku-chan was not there. It was a common occurrence for her to wake up early to prepare breakfast, but...

Somehow, there was an indescribable sense of unease. I got up from the futon and headed to his room. I opened the sliding door and looked inside, but he wasn't there either.

Was this just a coincidence? There were various possibilities, like them going for a morning walk or having a date. But my intuition was telling me otherwise.

I woke up Karen-chan and Aoi-chan, and together we searched for the two of them, but they were nowhere to be found...


[Izayoi PoV]

I woke up. I was on a bed for some reason. The surroundings were a single-story wooden structure.

Um... where is this? I should have been at the inn, but somehow, I was in an unfamiliar place.

I got up from the bed, and I could see her back in the kitchen, where she seemed to be cooking. When she noticed that I had woken up, she stopped what she was doing and approached me.

Right, yesterday, I must have fallen asleep while talking to her...

"Good morning, Izayoi-kun."

"Good morning... um, where is this place?"

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure, but it seems to be on the outskirts of a large city."

"H-heh....uhm..... what about everyone else?"

As soon as I asked that, her demeanor changed.

"Well, about everyone... don't worry, there's no one else here except us."

"Eeh!? What do you mean?"

"So, I mean it literally. Izayoi-kun, how about living here with me for the rest of our lives?"

"Um, that's... it feels like you're skipping not just a few steps but several dozen..."

She clung to me as if to assert that I was hers and didn't intend to let me go until I accepted her proposal.


"Will you live here with me forever?"

Her eyes seemed to be filled with a mix of desperation, anxiety, and urgency. Without waiting for my answer, she tightened her hug even more, and her body felt incredibly supple.

"I won't let you escape. We'll live here together, have children, become a family, and be happy. In this world, there seems to be an adventurer system, and people with magic can earn money just by defeating monsters or something. So, we can quickly build wealth."

"Suddenly... that's..."

"...I'm sorry. I won't accept any other options."

With that, she returned to the kitchen with a complex expression on her face and resumed cooking. I had suspected it, but was this some sort of yandere-style confinement? Even her mother had a tendency like that, but to hear it from her daughter... the yandere genes...

First of all, how did she manage to acquire this place? She shouldn't have any connections in another world...

As I thought about all this, she placed bread, eggs, and other items on a plate and placed it on the table.

"Breakfast is ready. How about having it together?"

"I'll have some."

I sat on a chair with a rustic wooden flavor and started eating breakfast. There were many things I wanted to ask her.

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