Chapter 65: Silver approaching Yandere.

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"Why do we have to do something like this...?"

"You're the one who said we should do it... and you dragged us into this mess..."

"I can't take it anymore..."

We are currently running up and down the stairs under the scorching sun. At the top, there's a temple, and we have to go back and forth repeatedly. And despite it being summer vacation, we're wearing gym uniforms.

It's Rokudou-sensei's "Mental Strengthening Training Camp." The concept is to train our bodies by doing fifty round trips on the stairs.

No, no, no, it's outrageous after all... Kimchika is also participating, but even he seems to be suppressing his side. That Superman. This is outrageous. The first year A class boys are walking down the stairs like zombies.

We're going to die...

When it was over somehow, everyone drinks like bathing in water and rests in the shade of the temple. After that, enter the temple and practice Zen meditation. The students and Rokudo-sensei joined Zen meditation together to unify their minds.

"Sensei, how long are we going to do this?"

"Until you stop thinking."

"But isn't that the same as dying..."

Since the temple is reserved exclusively for us, we'll be sitting in meditation indefinitely. It's so intense... The other students are starting to decay as well...

From morning till now, going back and forth on the stairs, and then meditation... If we add a lunch break and continue until evening, there won't be any students left participating in this training camp, even if it's just for one night and two days.

Next, we perform a full-power Haka, which is commonly done before a rugby match, and then have a lunch break.

"It's tough. I want to go home already..."

"It's alright... We just have the afternoon session left... Ah, it's terrifying..."

Everyone is completely exhausted. Lunch is cold somen noodles, which we manage to eat somehow. There's the dipping sauce in a bowl and the chill of the ice.

It has a certain charm... It seems like I'm the only one with such a carefree impression.

It's certainly tough, but not as much as I thought. Of course, physically, it's pushing our limits, but mentally, I feel quite at ease...

"After all, it seems like we're the ones who have to lead them, Izayoi."

"Eh? Why are you suddenly saying that?"

Kimchika suddenly sits next to me and starts a conversation. It seems like he still has some spare energy. Well, it's Kimchika-san we're talking about, after all. He's handsome and can do anything. I need him to take care of things... Tch, take a break, will you...

"We're the only ones taking a cool lunch break. I just thought we should lead the way and motivate everyone."

"Aah, I see..."

"But you seem to be even more carefree than I am, like a superhuman."

"You're the one who seems more carefree."

"No, you seem more at ease. The morning training didn't seem to affect you at all. You're something else."


Well, I don't mind being praised, but it feels like I'm being talked down to... I guess my heart is a bit off.

"Let's start the afternoon session. Line up, everyone!"

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