Chapter 99: You can have as many eggs as you want

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[Natsuko PoV]

My name is Noguchi Natsuko. I'm just an ordinary high school girl with no particularly standout features. Currently, in my class, we're in the process of deciding what our class activity will be for the upcoming cultural festival. It seems that each class needs to come up with at least one activity, such as setting up a booth.

Beforehand, a male and a female student raised their hands and proposed their ideas for activities or performances, and then the whole class votes to decide the content of the cultural festival.

"Maybe a maid cafe!"

"How about a butler cafe just for Kimchika-kun and Maguro-kun?"

"Should we go with a romantic drama like you often see in manga?"

The boys and girls were exchanging their opinions, and eventually, a compromise was reached – a combination of a maid cafe and a butler cafe. Personally, I found it a bit embarrassing... so I wanted to refrain from participating.

"Hey, Gindou-san. What do you think about the maid cafe?"

"It's a little embarrassing, but it's for the cultural festival, so I'll do my best."

"The cultural festival... I guess I'll give it my all to make some good memories."

"Let's definitely take photos together in maid outfits."

"Sure, then we can also edit the pictures to make our skin look whiter."

"I don't think that's necessary for you, Natsuko-san."

"Just in case, though."

Afterwards, the discussion moved to topics like the interior design of the shop and expenses. We smoothly wrapped up the meeting as the teacher left the classroom. With the teacher gone, I started playing with my phone.

"What are you looking at, Natsuko-san?"

"Hmm? An article about magical girls."

"Ah, i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-is that so!?"

"Why are you suddenly acting like that?"

"N-No, it's nothing... Um, Natsuko-san, who do you like the most among the magical girls?"

"Well, this dark-haired one seems nice, don't you think? He's the only guy, but he gives off this feeling of trying his best."

"I totally agree! He's great. This person!"

She seemed flustered and happy, quite busy with her emotions. I wondered what was going on... Ah, that's right. I had something I wanted to give her.

"Speaking of which, I have this for you, Gindou-san."

I handed her five free coupons for cakes from a certain cake shop. This cake shop has been gaining popularity among high school girls lately, with its cakes being shared all over social media. She seemed to know about it and widened her eyes.

"Are you sure!?"

"Yeah, I won them in a contest. I'm on a diet right now, so use them well."

"Then...I will take it gladly!"

She drank down the cake coupon with great delight. Oh, right, she was concerned about her weight... Well, never mind.

Watching her happily in her bubble of joy, I decided not to overthink it.


[Karen PoV]

In our class, we are currently deciding on our cultural festival performance. Somehow, things seem to be progressing more smoothly than usual. In 2A class, some of the boys are goofing around, and there's also Moegi, who sits in the back.

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