Chapter 115: Karen-chan does something

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[Moegi PoV]

We wrapped ourselves in bath towels and entered the mixed-gender bath, which had an open-air feeling to it, much like a traditional Japanese onsen. It felt like something you would find in the modern world.

The bath area was constructed with large stones, providing a pleasant atmosphere, and the view was splendid. If this were in the modern world, this inn would likely come at a high price.

"Uhm, are you really sure it's okay for me to be here?"

"It's okay. I'll be washing your back, so please have a seat."

Kohaku-chan guided him to a chair, where he sat with his hands on his knees, visibly nervous.

Karen-chan and Aoi-chan seemed intent on helping with the washing, creating a lather on a body towel and gently scrubbing his body.

"Isn't it ticklish?"

"I'm okay..."

"Kuro, where would you like me to wash next?"

"I'm fine..."

"Is this feeling okay?"

"It feels good."

As everyone was attending to him, he kept his eyes closed, trying not to react too much. I was just sitting next to him, not doing anything flashy.

I could understand everyone's feelings. They wanted to be helpful, make a good impression, and perhaps even make his heart race. But even without all the fuss...

He is my boyfriend.

No, at this point, he is only my boyfriend. Even though I liked everyone, there was something about this feeling that was hard to accept.

Jealousy, huh? To feel such a clear emotion towards my beloved companions...

I needed to control it, to hold it back.

"Kuro, can I wash your front too?"

"No, I can handle the front myself!?"

Aoi-chan's unintentional comment always caused him to panic. Her innocence and refreshing attitude were different from Kohaku-chan's calculated words and actions.

"Shall I wash your front?"


Karen-chan intervened, preventing Kohaku-chan from doing anything more. With her firm stance, Kohaku-chan's turn was forcibly ended.

Now, everyone had finished washing and was preparing to get into the hot bath.

I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. What should I do? The alluring underclassman, the slightly aloof but deeply cherished classmate, and the classmate with an unnatural rate of growth—everyone had their own appeal.

I understood that they were all charming in their own ways. However, that didn't make the jealousy disappear.

I'm not sure if it's okay to do this, but...

Thinking that, I pretended that my legs were entangled and fell towards him. I leaned against his back, with only a thin bath towel separating our bodies.

"Uh, s-sorry..."

Kohaku-chan seemed to reciprocate with a fake tripping move, as if she were challenging me to a sumo match. Her intention appeared to be to pretend to fall and cling to him.

I couldn't let that happen!

"Oh no, I tripped, and my legs got tangled!"

"I-I'll support you so you don't fall."

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