Chapter 27: Mob gets stabbed with a holy sword

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Volume 3 : Red and White Sports Festival

I found myself in a white space.

...... Eh? Where am I?

It was pure white, and white all the way down the road. Quiet and empty, I thought.


I heard a familiar voice from behind me and turned around. I knew it was Gindou Kohaku, but when I looked back, I gasped.

Silver dress and tiara. With some purple accents here and there, she still gives off a pure white impression with her beautiful skin and dress.

-Magic armor...!!

Gindou Kohaku is adorned in magical armor. In her hand is the radiant holy sword, Light Caliber.

She looks dazzling and cool wielding that sword. I really want to see it and touch it, even just once. As I get a little excited, she asks me in a cold voice.



Why? Did I accidentally touch her chest? Or maybe I accidentally spat out spicy water? Stalker... no, I did it to protect her, right?

...Could it be that it's because I lowered my gaze when talking? There are too many possibilities, I can't tell.

If I say the wrong thing, it might just make her angry. I should keep quiet.

"Why did you abandon me like this? Following me around on your own and then just discarding me..."

She points her sword at me. Oi, oi, that's dangerous!

"Hey, calm down!! You shouldn't aim a weapon at someone..."

"Enough. I'll make you mine here forever!!!"

She approaches me... and thrusts the sword.

I'm going to die. No, but I have a dictionary... That's what I thought. But the holy sword pierces through my abdomen.

Ah, well, a dictionary can't win against a holy sword.

As she pulls out the sword from my body, I fall down, my abdomen covered in blood. She places her hand on my fallen cheek, making eye contact.

"It's your fault. For abandoning me. But now we'll be together forever. I'll follow you soon... okay?"

I realized that her eyes had no light. She smiles.

Eh? Ehhhhhhhhh? Is this... my death? It can't be true!!!

What the hell kind of ending is thisssssssss?!!!


...It was a dream. When I woke up, I'm back in my usual room.

Is my abdomen okay?! I quickly touch it, but there doesn't seem to be any problem. No blood, no hole. I'm relieved, but I'm fully awake now. It was an incredibly realistic dream.

Magiclad Girls and a Mob who will save them, or else the world is doomed!Where stories live. Discover now