Chapter 41: Fried horse mackerel that raises the stock and lowers it

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I found myself in a white space. Huh? This place feels familiar…

Eh? You’ve got to be kidding me.


I was called from behind. This déjà vu is overwhelming. Oi oi, this is the same pattern as before. I turn around slowly and there… she wasn’t in her “Masou Shoujo” outfit, but rather wearing a hoodie, looking quite casual.

However, her hair was messy in places, and she had heavy bags under her eyes. This version of her has its own charm. But she also gives off a scary vibe.

“Do you like me? Do you love me?”


I’m having trouble keeping up with this development. This must be a dream, but isn’t it too sudden? But I should answer, right? If I don’t answer, even though it’s a dream, she might kill me. At least my feelings of liking her haven’t changed.

“…I love you.”

“Izayoi-kun, I love you the most in the universe…do you really love me?”

“Well, it’s just that I chose the better option out of the two…”

“I wanted you to go beyond that… I wanted you to go beyond that…”

Isn’t this going too far?! I chose the better option out of the two! Even though it’s a dream…

In her hand was a knife… When did she…? She aimed it at me, towards my abdomen…


Then, I awoke with a gasp. What a dream. Probably, I was thinking about the sudden Yandere of Hihara Karen. It was a very realistic dream that scared me a lot.

I instinctively rubbed the spot where I was stabbed. Even in dreams, it seems that realistic dreams can have some impact on reality.


What a morning… Such a bizarre dream. Even as I walk to school, I can’t help but think about the spot where I was stabbed.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

“Thank you for yesterday. Both Mom and Dad were really happy.”

“No, thank you for having me.”

As we walk side by side, Hihara Karen approaches me. I’m relieved. She seems to be her usual energetic self. It has to be this way.

“Good morning, Izayoi-kun.”

I’m called from behind. The development feels dream-like, and a slight sense of tension runs through me. Hihara Karen furrows her brow and turns around.

When we saw Gindou Kohaku today, we couldn’t believe our own eyes.

Twin tails. She tied up her usual silky silver long hair. Hmm? What’s going on? She looks cute. Oi.

“Don’t misunderstand. I didn’t greet you just because it’s you, Izayoi-kun. It’s a natural thing to do as a human being.”

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