Chapter 16: A handsome man covers for a mob

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It's been a tough morning. I never thought this would happen. ......

I've been getting a lot of irritated stares from the boys since this morning, and it makes me want to let out a sigh. It seems that they were not happy that Hihara-senpai asked me to go home yesterday. I know the feeling. If someone I knew was with a cute girl, I'd give the middle finger too.

Because I've never had a girlfriend in my previous life. ...... I'm usually pissed off when I see something like that. ......

So maybe it's inevitable that they would look at me like this. I'm a high school student who wants to be in love when I'm alone with someone of the opposite sex.

But I don't think I have romantic feelings .......

Because if you are with such a cute girl, you are aware of her as the opposite sex, even if you don't want to be.

I try not to be aware of it, because I can clearly smell a crime when totaled with the age of my previous life, but the person I'm dealing with is too attractive.

By the way, most of the boys in this class, including myself, are what you would call "non-achievers" in the realm of romance. There's only one exception, but everyone else is in the same boat as me, lacking in romantic experience.

"Hey, hey, hey! It seems like Izayoi-kun is in a good mood."

"Sasamoto, yesterday was a misunderstanding. We just happened to have a common interest and talked at the bookstore."

Sasamoto approaches me with the mannerisms of a low-ranking delinquent. It's probably pointless to say it, but I should clear up the misunderstanding, for my sake and for the sake of Hihara Karen.

"Ohhh! Just as I thought, Izayoi-kun! You're saying that nothing happens even when you're walking alone with the opposite sex? Did you guys hear that? Nothing happens!!!"

"Don't lie!"

"This average guy!"

"Pretending to be dense!"

"You chuunibyou-twisted dictionary idiot!"

The hatred is quite intense. Well, to be honest, the last two are ones I really wish they would stop. There was overflowing animosity from the boys.

"Tax him!"

"Impose a popular tax!"

"That's right, that's right."

The popular tax, huh. That brings back memories. It was a little joke that was even mentioned in a "story." Although it was only imposed on one person in this class...

I recall there were also handsome tax, smart tax, and being fawned over by girls tax, among many others. They all apply to him alone, though.

"Hey, you guys, cut it out. It's indecent."

I knew he would inevitably get involved in this commotion. In 'Masou Shoujo' he's a character with overwhelming popularity among women. As a result, he has achieved the feat of receiving almost no votes from male readers.

Kimchika Motoji, the son of Kimchika Company, his father's company, has grown up in a highly privileged environment since childhood. He is 190 centimeters tall (6'2″). He's handsome, wealthy, exudes cleanliness, and everything he says is ridiculously cool. He incorporates every element of handsomeness to the extreme.

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