Chapter 50: Know the Tradition [2]

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I waited in front of the girls' high school until noon, but there were no significant changes, and I couldn't find any clues. In that case, I have no choice but to go to the person known as the mayor...

Just then, a car stopped. It seemed like the fortune teller had returned. I opened the door and quickly explained my request.

"Excuse me, please continue monitoring this place attentively."

"S-Suddenly, huh..."

"That's why I'm asking you. If anything happens, please contact me."

"U-umu. Isn't this pace a bit too fast?"

Alright, for now, I'll go to the library and check the documents. After that, I'll decide whether to visit the mayor or not.


[Gindou PoV]

"Uuugh, still no message back..."

"Well, it's still noon..."

"B-But isn't it late? It's been over three hours without a reply."

"T-that happens sometimes. Maybe his phone ran out of battery. Or maybe he dropped it in water and it broke."

"That's right! There must be a reason!!"

"Yeah, that must be it. Oh, sorry, I have to go to the committee meeting soon."

"Thank you for accompanying me. Good luck."

"Yeah, see you."

Today, Natsuko-san has a committee meeting and will spend her lunch break there. Who should I have lunch with today? Neither Izayoi-kun nor Natsuko-san are here...

As I ponder how to spend my lunch break, the classroom door opens.

"Oh, Izayoi isn't here after all..."

"I told you, Karen-chan. He's at the beach today, that's why he's not here."

The person I dislike the most, Karen-senpai, and Moegi-senpai, who are currently ranked number one on my list of disliked people. They both came here to search for Izayoi-kun, but... wait a minute, what is this beach they're talking about?

"Uhm, Moegi-senpai, what do you mean by 'beach'?"

"Eh? Oh, it seems like he's at the beach or something."

"Why would Moegi-senpai know about it?"

"Hiii, w-wait, you are a bit scary"

"It's not like that at all. More importantly, please tell me his phone number."

"Well, I just heard him over the phone..."

"Why? Why did you get the phone number?"

"That's right, Moegi, spit it out!"

"Hiiii, both of you!!"

"Is it hard to talk about it here? If so, let's go to the rooftop."

"That's right, let's go."

"Why do you cooperate only in moments like this?!"

Karen-senpai and I locked Moegi's arms and took her to the rooftop. I don't like her very much, but for some reason, I can sympathize with her in this situation.


[Moegi PoV]

For some reason, I was taken to the rooftop by the two of them. Even though these two are always at odds with each other, occasionally they click together in a strange way. I can't say anything weird about it because they've saved me too...

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