And so it began like...

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                                                                                                     (NEVEAH'S POV: )

Hi, I'm Neveah Curtis. But my friends call me "Nev" or "Nevvy". Or when my oldest brother is mad at me its "Neveah Leeann Curtis".
If you didn't know I'm "the youngest middle" I'm 15 almost 16. Ponyboy is 14. Soda is 17 now. And darry is 20 going on 21. I live with brothers in which what might as well be the gangs hang out. The group of boys me, darry, soda, and pony grew up with. There's Two-Bit Mathews who's 18 and a 1/2... Well ig his real names keith but I don't think I've called him that in years. Except when I'm mad at him the I yell his name accross the house it really funny. Anyways next up is Steve Randle. Soda's best friend since grade school and a pretty good one of mine
too although pony seems to not like him for some reason it's like a never ending war between them. Next up is Johnny Cade he's 16 but he's only a few months older than me. Johnny's my best friend, he's so sweet and he's always there when I need him. And last but not least is Dallas Winston- Dally
Now if it wasnt obvious dal is my boyfriend. Has been for about 8 months. But the only people in the gang who know are johnny and Steve. I think my brothers would have a heart attack out of shock if I told them and Two-Bit can't keep his trap shut so he doesn't know either. My brothers think Dal is a bad influence and they don't even like when I hang out with him alone, they always make Johnny come with us... Probably a good choice on their part. I'm the only girl in the gang, so I don't think the flirting from the gang ever stops... But I don't mind it I find it funny. Well now you know me and my life let's get into the story

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now